Retreat Complete!

I just put the final touch­es on my lat­est work, a con­tem­po­rary romance titled RETREAT. Both mean­ings of the word fit into the sto­ry of lost and found love. When I was almost fin­ished with this one, I got the wild hair to tie it into my first nov­el WYOMING SOLACE. The blurb is below, and I’ll post an excerpt soon.

Ten years ago, Andria Thomas cel­e­brat­ed her high school grad­u­a­tion with a retreat to a Wyoming guest ranch. She nev­er expect­ed to fall for a young cow­boy dur­ing her horse­back rid­ing lessons. There was no way that she would sac­ri­fice her well planned life for a long dis­tance rela­tion­ship with a guy she’d only known for two weeks! Time for a hasty retreat…

Now, after a bit­ter divorce, Andria returns to the V‑Bar Guest Ranch, and is sur­prised to find that not only did Jake Walk­er still work on the ranch; he was now run­ning the place. The last thing she needs is anoth­er dis­rup­tion, and re-treat­ing her­self to a fling with an old lover is not the way to relax and regroup. It was a good thing she’d have help resist­ing his charm, thanks to Jake’s wife.

2 thoughts on “Retreat Complete!

  1. Oh my, this sounds good. That last lit­tle “thanks to Jake’s wife” is a great enticer (is enticer even a word?).

  2. If it isn’t, it should be! Thanks Tri­na. Just wait­ing on my CPs, and I’ll be ready to sub­mit it!

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