Happy Valentines Day Blog Hoppers!
You should have just come from Savanna Kougar’s blog at http://kougarkisses.blogspot.com/ If not, you’re line jumping, and that’s a faux pas! But if you got lost, or just came across us, be sure to start over…the starting blog is http://stephanieadkins.wordpress.com/blog/
because there are prizes galore!
I’m new to Liquid Silver Books, My first release Wyoming Solace is a western set in Wyoming in 1894. Writing a western was fun, but it took a lot of research about things I didn’t even realize I needed to know, like…were there indoor toilets in 1894? If so, were they common on ranches in the middle of nowhere? No there aren’t a lot of toilet scenes in the book, but stuff like that comes up you know?
Well, now that I’ve scared you off from reading my book, I’ll show you the best part about researching cowboys:
What I’d like to hear, is this guy’s name (that’s the hard part) and what three things you’d need if you were stranded on a desert island with him. Sure it’s cliché, but hey you can’t spend all day on this, Just a couple of quick sentences. (Unless you extremely creative people would like to send me a complete novel, that would be just fine with me!) I’ll be giving away a copy of Wyoming Solace to one lucky or talented commenter.
From here you will be heading to http://tinaholland.wordpress.com/ for some more tasty valentine eye candy.
I’ll be checking on posts throughout the day, and I’ll post the winner here and in the Liquid Silver Forum by noon tomorrow! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Three things on a desert island? With this cowboy hunk…hmmm…lots of aloe vera gel, lots of organic coconut oil and an air mattress.
He needs to be rode hard and put up wet. lol!Yum!
His name is Luke…and we’d need a waterfall for cleansing the sweat we’ve created on our bodies. Food to keep us strong for the activities to create the sweat. And water so we don’t dehidrate from working up the sweat. It’s a vicious cycle…but someone has to keep him occupied!!
Let’s see. His name is Cade and I think we’d need some sunblock (don’t want to be too sore to more), a knife (so he can get our food and build shelter) and a blanket (to curl up together in)
I like the name Aiden, and I would need a tarp (protection from the sun and sand), an axe (build shelter and procure food) and chocolate.
Excellent eye candy.
Those jeans look a bit tight. Maybe he should just lower them a tad more…then I’d…I mean he’d be more comfy! This looks great!
He looks like a take charge kind of guy,so, I don’t need anything but him.
Hmm, his name is Jace, and I’d have to have a ton of 500 sunblock on that island, I’m pretty fair. And we’d also need a knife for hunting and gathering and some hip hop so he can shake that thang in my face!
Oh My, thank you for the eye candy, today is my 33rd Wedding Anniversary and I appreciate ya’ll having a special contest just for me lol
Have a great Valentine’s day
Happy Valentines Day!
His name is Nathan and we would need a tarp for shelter,a knife for gathering food and each other for warmth.
He needs to be rode hard and put up wet. lol!Yum!
Let’s see. His name is Cade and I think we’d need some sunblock (don’t want to be too sore to more), a knife (so he can get our food and build shelter) and a blanket (to curl up together in)
he looks like a rough and tumble kinda guy to me…how about Clint, I have always felt that was a good cowboy name!
as to three things: unlimted food, a source of water and an assortment of massage oils :D!
His name is Bart, but his friends call him Tex. On a desert island? Him, a book and flint for fire.
Happy V’day Alanna! Verra nice candy, thanks for sharing!
His name is J.J., And the three things I need on a deserted island (with J.J.) is: condoms, food and water.
His name is Kohl and i would need him, me, and something cool to drink.
I think his name must be Jared, I read a good western romance with that name. I’d need a years supply of energy bars, a case of wine, and my cell phone
Great job everyone! Sorry I’m late getting in here, I’m loving the ideas.…
Happy Valentines Day to you all!
Like the cowboy! Yum!
Jake, adult toys, rope, and a whip. lol
Lordy Lordy, can I have him!
He must be Chase, and I would want a leatherman tool, a blanket and a flint for fire.
His name is Alex and I would need a blanket, coconuts for food and energy and flint for a fire.
His name is Damien because i would be doing all kind of evil things with him on our island!
And we’d need A king sized bed, a fresh water source and an unlimeted supply of food so we can put that bed to good use ;-).
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I see no one is asking for a way off the island…naughty ladies you!
Someone mentioned he needed to be ridden hard and put up wet — oh my, yes!!! Some food, fresh water, and something soft to lie on for all that hard riding — Colt and I shall be quite happy.
His named would be Zeke. Would need food, a waterfall to have fun in and a knife to use to build shelter with. Happy Valentine’s Day.
His name is Randy Calhoun and he’s not just a regular cowboy. He’s a team leader, the best rustler in the state. When he’s not working, he’ll take me to his private desert island where we’ll enjoy playing with our 1) super-soakers, 2) shaved ice, and 3) broken chaise lounges.
his name is Matt and he’s a wilderness guide ‚so all we’d need is a knife and maybe some whipped cream.
Very nice… yes, he doesn’t look like he’d be too difficult to be stranded with does he?
Food, water and sunscreen
Well, I’d say his name is Blake Coleman…current hero of my western in progress. As for being trapped on an island…I’m going to have to change your question because the chances of my cowboy taking a holiday to the islands is low.
However when we get stranded in a remote cabin in the Rocky Mountains I’d be sure to have packed away the following things to make our excursion a little more ‘bare’ able.
1. A bottle of massage oil
2. A bottle of aged whiskey
3. A box of dark chocolates.
‘Nough said.…
Great eye candy Alanna! Happy Valentines Day! *HUGS*
Mmmm, another cowboy. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Hi Alanna! His name is Jean. And he comes with a pillow, water and chocolate
Chocolate must be the staple food of choice for this guy!
I’m going to choose Chase as his name. I’d like to have some lubricant, condoms, and a copy of the kama sutra because we’re going to be here a long time!
ummmmmmmmmmm he should be called hotstuff!!!!! he is one hotty!!
Afshan, babyblue22 you are the winner! Email me at alannacoca@earthlink.net and let me know in which format you would like your copy of Wyoming Solace sent to you!
Congrats, and thanks to everyone who stopped by!