Saturday Status

Well, here we are again. Anoth­er week flew right by. I’d like to say I was so busy writ­ing, but um…I keep get­ting dis­tract­ed. I love sum­mer, but I can’t wait until the kids are back in school! The sweet dog in the pic­ture here is Patrick. He was res­cued from the jaws of death at the hands of an abuser on St. Patrick’s Day. I just love the look on his face here. We could learn a lot from this guy.

Works In Progress News ~ Still work­ing on Olivia’s m/m WiP. I real­ly want­ed to get it to 20K before my tweet count hit 20k. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that didn’t hap­pen. It’s just over 18K right now, and the first steamy scene is behind me. My tweet stream is mov­ing right along as well, thank you very much.

Indus­try News ~ A British “jour­nal­ist” wrote an arti­cle last week detail­ing why (in her opin­ion) romance nov­els are bad for women and rela­tion­ships. There are a lot of dis­agree­able points in her arti­cle, such as only eleven-some per­cent of books men­tion con­dom use (uh…what?!) but the biggest prob­lem I have is that she seems to think that women can’t dis­tin­guish between fic­tion and real­i­ty. Which is insult­ing. Fur­ther Reading

Upcom­ing Events ~ I will be at the Nine Naughty Nov­el­ists on the 12th. I won’t give away my post top­ic. Not because I don’t want to tell you, but because I haven’t fig­ured it out yet. I’m tak­ing suggestions!

Real Life News ~ It’s Rodeo Sea­son in Wyoming. That means lots of traf­fic and tourists–and cow­boys! Don’t be jeal­ous. I’ll try to take pic­tures. There’s a car­ni­val in town, and I’m pret­ty damn proud of the fact that my youngest doesn’t know about it. I’ll prob­a­bly take her today though. Pray for me.

Search Term of the Week ~ Behind the scenes here, it shows me inter­net search terms that find my web­site. I get some doozies. I thought I’d share my favorite here. This week? ” irish dragged through the door” Why? Don’t ask me. I just hope that Googler found what they were look­ing for.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Total­ly SFW. In fact, get your kids to watch, so they can try it out.

That’s about it for me. Have a great weekend!

Whadd'ya think?