Be My Valentine Blog Hop

Wel­come! If you’re just stum­bling across my blog, be sure to click HERE to join us at the begin­ning of the

Be My Valen­tine Blog Hop

where almost forty blog­gers have joined forces to bring you an eye can­dy over­load, just in time for Valen­tine’s Day. Today I’m fea­tur­ing male mod­el Bran­don Vols.

There is some­thing very sexy about black and white pho­tographs. Maybe it’s the old movie feel. The above pic­ture reminds me of  romance nov­el I remem­ber read­ing as a teen. *sigh*

Ah, a close up…now you can see those eyes. And stub­ble. Rawr.

These pic­tures are all cour­tesy of C.M. Soto Pho­tog­ra­phy and can be found HERE along with more infor­ma­tion about Mr. Vols.

I hope you’re enjoy­ing the blog hop! I’ll be chat­ting with read­ers on Fri­day from 7pm to 9pm EST in Gem’s Chat Room, where I’ll be post­ing excerpts of my pub­lished nov­els, and maybe some of my works in progress. I’d love to meet you, so please stop by the Chat Room at the end of the tour. Don’t for­get to leave a com­ment here to get your name in the hat to win a pletho­ra of prizes, includ­ing my con­tem­po­rary west­ern romance Retreat.

Thank you for host­ing the blog hop today!

Hap­py Valen­tine’s Day Everyone!

24 thoughts on “Be My Valentine Blog Hop

  1. Well Hap­py Valen­tines day, Mr Vols is as beau­ti­ful as they come. Those eyes. He beats choco­late anytime.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Car­ol L.

  2. Thanks for the link for Mr. Vols. I plan on check­ing this link this week­end. He is per­fect for addi­tion­al serv­ings of eye candy.

  3. I am hav­ing so much fun right now on this tour. I love the sec­ond pic­ture of Bran­don his eyes are so beau­ti­ful in it.

  4. I have to agree that there are some things that come across in B&W pho­tos that don’t in col­or. The sec­ond shot real­ly does get his eye col­or pop­ping out at you!

  5. Bran­don is cer­tain­ly eye can­dy. What gor­geous eyes! The black and white does bring out some­thing extra too.

  6. Love­ly pho­tos, Mr. Vols is yum­my. I’m a big fan of B&W pho­tog­ra­phy, of course, his gor­geous eyes real­ly stand out in color.

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