Saturday Status 9/20/14

3788625_sHel­lo! We’re sneak­ing up on what some of you call “Autumn”, but it’s just pre-win­ter to me.  Hop­ing the weath­er stays mild enough for the leaves to change col­ors before they freeze and drop dead.  (Why do I live here again??)

Work in Progress News ~ Dean start­ed talk­ing to me! I feel so hon­ored. I’ve been able to focus on him for a few days now, and it feels good!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ 97 year old Fred Sto­baugh wrote a poem about his late wife, and the good folks at Green Shoe Stu­dio put it to music and made this very cool video. Please feel free to sup­port Fred by pur­chas­ing this on iTunes or Ama­zon. If you can see through your tears to click. This is so good, it dou­bles as today’s tear­jerk­er! Okay, I’m cheating.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ A new Kin­dle! The Kin­dle Voy­age, which is a lighter, thin­ner, and sharp­er Paper­white. There are a lot of pret­ty cool fea­tures on it, but my favorite is the etched glass, which gives it the feel of paper. Seri­ous­ly! You can have it all for a dol­lar under $200. At this point, I’m hap­py with my Paper­white. Just like I’m not camp­ing out for a new phone this week either. I’ll just caress a paper­back as I’m reading.

22428748What I’m read­ing ~ A new one by Cameron Dane’s alter ego Jamie Urban! Jamie writes a lit­tle less intense scenes than Cameron, but I love her both ways. This is a friends to lovers GFY-ish.

If a sexy, straight life­guard and a clos­et­ed, vir­ginal geek can get past their fears they might have a shot to turn their unlike­ly friend­ship into a scorch­ing-hot chance at true love. The Life­guard and the Geek by Jamie Urban proves that some­times best friends make the best lovers!

retreat-cinecover-smallerBook Snip­pet ~ From Retreat:

I don’t trust myself around you Andi. You come near me, and I for­get every restric­tion I’ve forced on myself.” His voice turned husky, like the low voice of a sen­su­ous jazz singer. His breath in her ear was the music.

I’m sor­ry. Do you want me to go?” Her eye­lids were sealed, and she couldn’t seem to lift them to his.

Yes. I do. I want you to get far away from me.” His state­ment was belied by the actions of his mouth, his hands, his hips. “I want you to start dress­ing in long heavy robes and veils so I can’t see your sweet body and gor­geous face. I want you to stop using that per­fume that dri­ves me to dis­trac­tion when you walk past me.” He pressed his hard arousal against her, and caught his breath. “I want you to make me for­get what it was like with you.”


Okay, so it’s a short report this week. You guys have a great weekend!

Whadd'ya think?