Saturday Status 7/19/14

WP_20140712_002Hel­lo! I’m back from the Romance Nov­el Con­ven­tion! Here I am with my best author bud­dy Tri­na M Lee. If you’re inter­est­ed in more pic­tures from the con­ven­tion, I post­ed them on Flickr, and of course I post­ed a bunch of Vines if you like six sec­ond videos. So I took some time off to recov­er from the trip and now I’m already anx­ious to get start­ed again, so that’s a good sign!  Now if only I could pick a wip to work on…

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I’m hav­ing a hard time cat­e­go­riz­ing this song. But the mes­sage is fun: Meghan Train­or’s All About That Bass:

Back­list News ~ There’s still time to get Flipped and Fine Print for FREE at Smash­words

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ By now you’ve prob­a­bly heard about Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. It’s like the Oys­ter for Kin­dle devices. The good part is the fact that you don’t actu­al­ly need a Kin­dle device to par­take in Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. For $9.99 a month, one can read as many books (in the KU selec­tion) as one wants! The prob­lem I see with it are the fact that it’s only going to have Kin­dle Select books in it (so authors have cho­sen to keep books off all oth­er venues) and a few oth­ers. Although I would nev­er make my books avail­able on only one plat­form, Select seems to be pop­u­lar with some authors, and more pow­er to them. I hope KU is a big hit for their sakes.

What I’m read­ing ~ On a Night Like This by Bar­bara Freethy. It’s FREE right now! (I got it in a box set). Inci­den­tal­ly, it’s also enrolled in Kin­dle Unlim­it­ed. Click the cov­er to open an Ama­zon tab.

The sec­ond old­est of the Call­away clan, Aiden Call­away veered from the fam­i­ly tra­di­tion of urban fire­fight­ing and became a smoke­jumper, nev­er ques­tion­ing his choice until the job took the life of his friend, Kyle, and left Aiden with injuries and frac­tured mem­o­ries. Every­one blames Aiden for what hap­pened, but he does­n’t remem­ber, nor is he sure he wants to remem­ber. The truth may clear Aiden of blame but destroy Kyle’s rep­u­ta­tion and hurt the peo­ple he left behind. Aiden seeks help from an unlike­ly ally …

Sara had always been untouch­able, sweet, inno­cent, his sis­ter’s best friend, and the girl next door. But one reck­less night in their youth took their rela­tion­ship to a new lev­el. Sara has nev­er for­giv­en or for­got­ten the way Aiden brought it crash­ing down, but she’s no longer that girl with the crazy crush. She’s a woman in search of her own truth.

The sparks between Aiden and Sara have been smol­der­ing for a very long time. Sara is afraid to take anoth­er chance on a man who broke her heart, and Aiden knows bet­ter than any­one how dan­ger­ous an intense fire can be. As teenagers they weren’t ready for each oth­er. Are they ready now?

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Anoth­er com­mer­cial. Sor­ry, but these adver­tis­ing guys know their stuff!

Flipped by Olivia Brynn 200x300Book Snip­pet ~ From Flipped:

Mario was only one of three peo­ple in the world who knew Carter’s his­to­ry. Hell, Mario knew every­thing there was to know about Carter, and though the man loved to talk, he had nev­er once betrayed that con­fi­dence or teased him about the incident.

At that thought, Carter real­ized the car was qui­et. Rarely did Mario even turn on the radio, since he’d just turn the vol­ume down or talk over it any­way, but now there was­n’t even any chat­ter to fill the emp­ty space.

Carter glanced across at Mario, whose brow was fur­rowed. The dis­turbed expres­sion was unchar­ac­ter­is­tic. Even more so than the silence.

Carter tossed his phone onto the dash. “Maybe next time we try the new place on Nine­ty-sec­ond Street. I hear they have half-price well drinks dur­ing hap­py hour.”

Sounds good.” Mar­i­o’s voice was rough, as if he was dis­tract­ed and answer­ing on rote.

Or we could go to a coun­try west­ern bar. Swing dance with some ladies.”


Yeah, Mario was­n’t lis­ten­ing. Carter turned to the win­dow to hide his grin. “We could always just stay home and play Scrabble.”

You cheat.”

He glanced over at Mario and encoun­tered a raised mid­dle fin­ger. “You think I was­n’t listening?”

I told you, you did­n’t have to leave the club. I could have grabbed a taxi.”

And I told you I was done.”

Then why are you being such a prick?”

Mar­i­o’s face melt­ed into a mis­chie­vous smile. “You are what you eat.”


Okay, enough from me, you’ve got a beau­ti­ful sum­mer week­end to enjoy! See you all next week.

Whadd'ya think?