Saturday Status 2/8/14

10-4-13 Snowy Range WyomingWork in Progress News ~ Still work­ing on Col­by, my ski sto­ry. It’s real­ly mak­ing me want to go ski­ing this year. But then I remem­ber that it’s cold out­side and I haven’t been on a pair of skis in a decade or two. This is offi­cial­ly the first book that I’ve had to write one of my char­ac­ters puk­ing, so I’d like to thank the pants­ing gods for that.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I love The Postal Ser­vice. They rank at the top of the “things in life that end before their time” list, along with Calvin and Hobbes, Michael Jack­son, Fire­fly and sum­mers. Here they’re cov­er­ing Phil Collins’ hit “Against All Odds”:

Back­list News ~ Olivi­a’s Box Col­lec­tion is now avail­able! Three books for the price of one! I also learned that some e‑tailers don’t like 3D book cov­ers. No idea why though, they’re real­ly just 2D cov­ers with per­spec­tive, it’s not like it makes the  device screen bumpy, geez.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ The Sony Book­store, the “Read­er Store” will close in March.  Sony announced the clo­sure and is work­ing with Kobo to trans­fer cus­tomer libraries. I’m not sur­prised so much, I’ve had a heck of a time get­ting my books to appear at Sony (read 2+ years, and they’re still not there) and with last week’s Adobe news about their DRM, this might have just pushed them over the edge.  Still, it’s always sad to see the lit­tle guys go, no one wants an Ama­zon monop­oly. Well no one except maybe Amazon…


What I’m read­ing ~ The Alexan­ders Boxed Set by M. Mal­one. I was in the mood for a quick and easy con­tem­po­rary romance, so I found this which has three in one!  These three books fol­low around the Alexan­der broth­ers (and their friends). Looks like book four comes out tomorrow.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Okay, so this is an ad for booze, but I guess liquor peo­ple have enough mon­ey to pay good agen­cies to make good ads:

 Book Snip­pet ~ from Tes­sa’s Pride:

Tes­sa crossed the car­pet again, then fid­dled with her col­lar, a habit he remem­bered from years ago, a clear indi­ca­tion she had some­thing on her mind. Then more lip chew­ing. He knew her lips had the tex­ture of rose petals, and he wished those were his teeth dent­ing the flesh. He chid­ed him­self for notic­ing the way the sun shone through her shirt, high­light­ing the curves beneath. Now wasn’t the time to remem­ber how her breasts had looked in the dap­pled shade of aspen trees. He dropped his gaze low­er, to the swell of her hips, enhanced by her snug jeans. The ass was fad­ed from hours in the sad­dle, but no hun­dred-dol­lar pair of jeans would look bet­ter on her than these West­ern work den­ims. Know­ing she had enough strength in those thighs to pin down a year­ling for tag­ging only made him want them wrapped around his hips.

Okay, that’s it for me. Have a great week­end. Stay warm!

Whadd'ya think?