Saturday Status 11/23/13

Here we are, Thanks­giv­ing week. Do you all have your menu ready for Thurs­day? Have your run­ning shoes all bro­ken in for Fri­day? I’ll be think­ing of you ear­ly morn­ing shop­pers as I sleep off my turkey hangover.

Work in Progress News ~ Con­tin­u­ing on my Christ­mas sto­ry. I still haven’t named my hero, he might just end up stay­ing “John”. This book is going to have a huge cast of sec­ondary char­ac­ters, and it’s a bit intim­i­dat­ing. I hope I can pull it off with­out hav­ing them all feel like card­board stand-ups. I also got inspired by a craft project that would work won­der­ful­ly as pro­mo­tion­al give­aways for this book, so it’s giv­ing me incen­tive to fin­ish it!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ A 16th cen­tu­ry Latin Christ­mas car­ol. This ver­sion is re-imag­ined by Era­sure, one of my favorite groups back in the day. (Um, actu­al­ly I think they used the same tech­nol­o­gy from back in the day to make this video, but it’s cool in a retro way.) Era­sure released a Christ­mas album this year, and it’s all won­der­ful. I love this song so much.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~Long time blog vis­i­tors (or Twit­ter fol­low­ers) know what a huge base­ball fan I am. Okay, real­ly what a huge Yan­kee fan I am. Okay, real­ly what a huge Derek Jeter fan I am. You guys, the man’s got dim­ples! I did­n’t think there would be any way for him to get more attrac­tive, unless he joined me in the pub­lish­ing indus­try. Like maybe starts up an entire line with his name on it. Some­thing like Jeter Pub­lish­ing at Simon and Schus­ter, my favorite pub­lish­er since they pub­lish my favorite author San­dra Brown’s books. What’s that? He DID?

It’s only a mat­ter of time now before he asks me to run away with him. Stay tuned. 

What I’m read­ing ~ Sweet Chem­istry by Sep­tem­ber Roberts. [Some of the very long] Blurb: After weeks of watch­ing from a dis­tance, Kate Rhodes meets James, ignit­ing a desire nei­ther of them has pre­vi­ous­ly expe­ri­enced. Kate, a senior at Bow­man State Uni­ver­si­ty, is hor­ri­fied the fol­low­ing Mon­day when she dis­cov­ers James is her bio­chem­istry professor…

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From Posi­tion Secured:

He groaned. “I’m sor­ry I’m late. It couldn’t be helped.”

She slipped her fin­gers beneath his shirt and ran both hands up his back. Shit, he must be fevered, because they felt so cool against him.

I didn’t think you’d be back.”

I got anoth­er call.”

Every­thing okay?”

Take off those clothes and I’ll tell you.”

Okay folks, have a great week, and for my fel­low Amer­i­cans, have a hap­py Thanksgiving!

2 thoughts on “Saturday Status 11/23/13

  1. Era­sure was “back in the day?” Damn, I’m old. LOL I had­n’t heard this Christ­mas song, but I like it.

    I love, love, love that your snip­pet is Mari and Mar­cus!! They’re my absolute favorite cou­ple of all your books. They need a longer sto­ry! Pret­ty please? Look­ing for­ward to your Christ­mas sto­ry, espe­cial­ly if the sec­ondary char­ac­ters inspire some spin-offs or maybe a series?

    Yankees…hmmmm.…no com­ment. I’m a Tam­pa Bay Rays and Chica­go Cub­bies fan.

    Hap­py Thanksgiving!

  2. Hey Michelle! Yes, at least Era­sure is still togeth­er, so we’re not old until the old bands retire! And I know, peo­ple either love or hate the Yan­kees. I’ll chew on the Marc/Mari fol­lowup idea, but no promises 😉

    Hap­py Thanks­giv­ing to you! Thanks for stop­ping by.

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