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Before we get started, have you ever wondered how reading ebooks can offset your carbon footprint?
Check out this page at AllRomanceEbooks.com where they do the math:Â
Okay, so the week we’ve had here in the USA is enough to make a person wish there was another big beautiful Earth we could escape to, where there isn’t anyone out there trying to hurt others. Well, we’ve only got this one, and scientifically, we’re pretty damn lucky that all the cosmos aligned so precisely to give us life of all kinds. So I’ll list for you some of my favorite things about our home planet, and the wild and wonderful setting of a few books, including Treat (Free Read!) Retreat, and Wyoming Solace, which comes out in paperback on May 5th!
The scenery:
The Flora:

To get you started on your appreciation for Wyoming, you can download a zipped folder with several Earth-friendly formats of my book Treat. Just click Treat — All Formats to download. Also look out for Wyoming Solace in stores on May 7th!
Happy Earth Day Earthlings! See you at our End-of-Hop Chat on Sunday evening at 7:00 pm EST.
Love this, =) Thanks for the Treat!
Happy Friday!
love this Happy Green Day
Thanks for sharing the great post and being a part of the hop 🙂
Thanks for the link who knew I was reducing my carbon foot print so much LOL! Love the pictures of Wyoming it makes me miss the West something awful. Thanks for taking part in the hop. Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com
I not only got Treat, but I got the other free reads from your website too. Thank you for the “treats” LOL
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Those pictures are so pretty! Im not much of an outdoorsy girl, but I can appreciate beauty when I see it!
That is an impressive looking toad! Does he turn into a prince by any chance? ^_^
Nice post
Awesome pics of Wyoming! I can just see myself on that hillside under a tree on a blanket relaxing and reading…sigh! So peaceful…
It’s nice to know I’m doing my part in keeping this planet a little greener. I am a true ebook fan! Too cool!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Belinda G
belgre AT comcast DOT net
great post!
Thanks for the great informative pics. It adds more depth to the story you are painting. Looking forward to checking out your stories!
Thank you for the gorgeous post and for the awesome Treat, Alanna! Hope you’re having a joyful weekend, too!
Great Post! Thank you for the free book , I cant wait to dive in to it.
Thanks for the post & the free book 🙂
Thanks for the free e‑book. Looking forward to reading it.
Thank you for being part of the hop… My sister lives in WY and i am amazed at the beautiful pictures she takes of the nature life and outdoors there. Truly beautiful state.…
One day I hope to be able to life in the middle of a country setting where my neighbors will be deers, bears, and other non-talking visitors…LOL
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
Great pictures! There beautiful! And the toad..so cute! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the free read XX
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek..:0! what a BiG toad!! eXquisite scenery thanQ 4 the Rea:D!