Saturday Status 3/16/13

It’s here! Start­ing For­ev­er is now avail­able at Ama­zon, Barnes & Noble and All Romance Ebooks! It’s pend­ing at iTunes, so I hope it will go live in a day or two. This is the fol­lowup sto­ry to Falling Star, and it includes chap­ter one of my work in progress, the sec­ond full book in the Earth Scents series. Isn’t the cov­er gor­geous? It’s the same mod­el for Adam as the FS cov­er, and I think the twin­kle in Jade’s eye real­ly shows through. Thanks, Booknib­bles for the great cov­er, and thank you Sharis May­er for editing.

Work in Progress News ~ This week I spent some time refor­mat­ting Falling Star. I put Start­ing For­ev­er at the end of the file, so now it’s got more of an epi­logue. For those of you who already pur­chased Falling Star, you can redown­load the new ver­sion free of charge most places (Ama­zon should be send­ing out an email some day). If not, please email me direct­ly and I’ll send you the new version.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Kiss me, I’m Irish! All the Dublin­ers’ songs were favorites in my house grow­ing up. This par­tic­u­lar song  I took a lik­ing to since my mid­dle name (kin­da, dif­fer­ent pro­nun­ci­a­tion) is fea­tured at 2:48, so I fig­ured they were singing about me.

Back­list News ~ Fri­day, the UPS man vis­it­ed me, and left me with a box full of Wyoming Solace paper­backs!(pic) My author copies came in, and I spent way too long caress­ing them. Wyoming Solace is my first nov­el, so it always has a spe­cial spot in my heart. It comes out in print on May 7th, but it’s avail­able for pre­order at Ama­zon or Barnes & Noble

Tweet of the Week ~

What I’m read­ing ~ Exclu­sive­ly Yours by Shan­non Stacey. This is the first in a series, so I’ll be pick­ing up the oth­ers soon… When Keri Daniels’ edi­tor finds out she has pre­vi­ous car­nal knowl­edge of reclu­sive best­selling author Joe Kowal­s­ki, she gives Keri a choice: get an inter­view or get a new job.

Book Snip­pet ~ From Com­pa­ny Ink:

Fol­low me.”

With plea­sure. She walked behind him, with thoughts of the com­pa­ny pic­nic, when he showed up in a pair of loose-legged jeans that defined his ass with more love than the suit pants she saw him wear­ing five days a week. At least on “Casu­al Fri­day” he went with­out a suit jacket.

He led her down the hall­way until the car­pet changed from indus­tri­al to plush, muf­fling their foot­steps as the chat­ter from the cus­tomer ser­vice calls fad­ed. He stood aside at the door to his office, ges­tur­ing her in ahead of him. Ever since her sex dream three months ago–which began with that very move–Sidney could­n’t stop her libido from perk­ing up each time she entered the mas­cu­line space.

Have a seat.” He waved her to one of the two leather chairs fac­ing his desk. “I’m not say­ing you made a bad deci­sion, but before your cohorts line up at my door ask­ing about the move, I need an explanation.”

Sid­ney remained stand­ing, and clasped her hands in front of her. “Is there a problem?”

You tell me.” He left her stand­ing, and sat in his huge exec­u­tive chair.

Doubt­ing that her cur­rent prob­lem was any­thing sim­i­lar to his, she moved her clasped hands behind her and wait­ed. The man hat­ed awk­ward silences almost as much as being called Sir. Luck­i­ly she had patience in spades.

Okay every­one, be sure to have a hap­py and safe St. Patrick­’s Day! 

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