Saturday Status 12/1/12

Wel­come to Decem­ber! I’m actu­al­ly get­ting into the Christ­mas spir­it! Here we go with my week­ly to-done:

Work in Progress News ~ I’ve been writ­ing!! I’m so proud of me. A few more good days and I’ll be done with this thing! I’d like to at least fin­ish it by the end of the year so 2012 isn’t a total loss pro­duc­tiv­i­ty wise.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ A capel­la plus Christ­mas. My favorite com­bi­na­tion. I just dis­cov­ered these guys, it’s a six part har­mo­ny, not sure why they only have four guys lip sync­ing, but I still love it.

Back­list News ~ Flipped is now at all online out­lets! It hit Apple iTunes two days ago.  It lost the reviews at some places, and kept it at oth­ers, but it’s good to have it back up for sale.

Tweet of the Week ~


Indus­try News ~ Simon and Schus­ter is get­ting into the “Self Pub­lish­ing” busi­ness. But not real­ly. Real­ly they’re get­ting into the Van­i­ty Pub­lish­ing busi­ness. I’m a bit appalled at the prices they’re charg­ing authors, when real­ly an author should be the one get­ting the pay­check. [source] Also in the news, Ran­dom House intro­duces four new dig­i­tal only lines. Not a whole lot of infor­ma­tion quite yet, but I’ll be watching.

What I’m read­ing ~ An Improp­er Hol­i­day by K.A. Mitchell. An his­tor­i­cal m/m (my weak­ness). Blurb: wound­ed in body and plagued by mem­o­ries of what hap­pened between them, Ian is sent to car­ry out his old­er brother’s plans for a polit­i­cal alliance with Nicky’s father. Their sis­ter Char­lotte is the bar­gain­ing piece. Nicky nev­er believed that what he and Ian felt for each oth­er was wrong and he has a plan to make things right. Get­ting Ian to Car­leigh is but the first step. Now Nicky has only twelve nights to con­vince Ian that hap­pi­ness is not the price of hon­or and duty, but its reward.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Not too many strange ones this week. Just “sum­mer wyoming” which is only a sur­prise that my site would be on the front few pages for that query.

Book Snip­pet ~ This one is from Flipped, with no dialogue:

His mouth sud­den­ly dry, Carter reached for his beer, only to remem­ber too late that he’d fin­ished it. When Mario licked his lips, Carter’s mouth filled with sali­va. He looked away. Focused again on the writhing bod­ies on the dance floor. Maybe he’d had more alco­hol than he thought. Maybe he was hornier than he thought. Maybe he read too much into that sim­ple glance. From the cor­ner of his eye, he chanced anoth­er look across the table, only to find Mar­i­o’s atten­tion had­n’t wavered. There had to be anoth­er mean­ing to the flare of heat behind those eyes, but a mil­lion images flood­ed his mind–not one of them to do with spend­ing the night alone.

Okay, now that you’re done here, go on over and check out my guest post on Romance Cooks! I post­ed a very sexy fruit sal­ad, and had a lit­tle fun with the recipe. Check it out!

Whadd'ya think?