Saturday Status 11/17/2012

Thanks­giv­ing Week! Where did this year go? I’m total­ly not ready for the next six weeks. We’ve had some great weath­er here, so it’s even hard­er to believe the Hol­i­days are com­ing. Usu­al­ly we’re under a foot or two of snow right now.

Work in Progress News ~ I switched back to Dean yes­ter­day. I got to the point where I hat­ed my oth­er work in progress so much that I could­n’t look at it (this hap­pens to me, I promise I’ll go back to it and find that it isn’t as bad as I make it out to be). So I’m pick­ing up from where I left Dean, right before a major plot turn. Poor guy was sit­ting there for months wait­ing for me to drop the oth­er shoe Hah!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Not sure why, I added a few Bea­t­les songs to my playlist this week, and I’m so glad I did. A lot of faves, as I’m sure you have your own. Here’s one of mine. I dare you not to sing along:

Tweet of the Week ~  A bit off col­or, but it made me lit­er­al­ly laugh out loud:



Back­list News ~ I’ve recent­ly acquired my rights back for Flipped. It should go back up at all major e‑tailers with­in the next week or so with the awe­some new cov­er by What do you think? This is the offi­cial reveal.

Indus­try News ~ Fic­tion­wise, the orig­i­nal (maybe, maybe not, I did­n’t research that) ebook store on the web was pur­chased by Barnes and Noble back in 2009. This week they announced that they’d be shut­ting down at the end of 2012. It’s a lit­tle sad to see the site go. I’m just sen­ti­men­tal like that. So if you’ve pur­chased any­thing from Fic­tion­wise, now is the time to go back and down­load your books before they’re gone forever!

What I’m read­ing ~ Noth­ing new this week, so to clear my mind at night before bed, I’ve been read­ing San­dra Brown’s Temp­ta­tion’s Kiss. Blurb: Megan, young wid­ow and worka­holic at a tele­vi­sion sta­tion, des­per­ate­ly tries to avoid her late hus­band’s for­mer boss — with whom she once shared a kiss — but Josh wants her again and will stop at noth­ing to have her. Hm, that’s more of a tagline than a blurb.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ I’m not sure who “erot­ic jacob black” is, but it sounds kind of inter­est­ing. Like maybe a pirate or some­thing! Par­don me while I day­dream about John­ny Depp…

Book Snip­pet ~ From Falling Star, some ban­ter between Adam and Jade:

Too good to be true, huh?” he teased.

Yes. Besides your obvi­ous good looks, you aren’t cocky or con­ceit­ed. You are intel­li­gent enough to hold a con­ver­sa­tion, Dean likes you, you play guitar–which by the way I found stored in the clos­et, so you’ll have to play some­thing for me.”

He smiled against her tem­ple. He’d been com­pli­ment­ed before. He was­n’t shy by any means, but com­ing from her those words meant a hell of a lot more. His heart kicked up to a stac­ca­to. “Any­thing else?”

Hmm.” She turned toward him and put those cool juicy lips on his cheek. “I changed my mind. Maybe you are a lit­tle cocky.”

And don’t for­get that I’m a gen­tle­man, or I’d make a dirty com­ment on your choice of words instead of offer­ing you a meal.”

These short excerpts are more fun than my old hero quotes. It gives a bit more of a taste of the book. Okay Amer­i­cans, enjoy your Thanks­giv­ing, and the rest of you enjoy your week!

Whadd'ya think?