Welcome, Kerrianne Coombes

Ker­ri­anne Coombes has a new book com­ing out! It’s called Beau­ty and the Beast, and she’s gra­cious­ly  giv­ing a copy away to one com­menter here.  Wel­come, Ker­ri­anne! Why do you like paranormal?

I think the rea­son I love a good para­nor­mal romance is because it taps into my imag­i­na­tion per­fect­ly. Para­nor­mal romance, for me, is all about dark, tor­tured souls, with buck­et loads of pas­sion. And don’t we all love a tor­tured soul–especially when he/she finds their oth­er half?

Para­nor­mal Romance is usu­al­ly full of strong, dom­i­nant males that ignite our fires and make us swoon. Don’t get me wrong, in real life if a vam­pire came along and tried to tap my neck, I would prob­a­bly run screaming–not even notic­ing if the vamp is a sex god or not. But, in my imag­i­na­tion, the idea is sexy and com­plete­ly acceptable.

That is what I love most about a good Para­nor­mal book. For that moment, when I am read­ing the story–it all seems real, and com­plete­ly …right.

In that moment, all men are built like Greek gods with per­fect hair and super human strength. And the women are self assures and treat­ed like princess­es by their man.

Para­nor­mal romance, for me, is escapism at its best. A door into a world where men are gods and orgasms are compulsory–and excite­ment is a must!

When Princess Call­indra of Tem­path, wakes up hog-tied and bruised in the bow­els of hell, she real­izes that her plan to escape her up-com­ing mar­riage has gone hor­ri­bly wrong. Her only hope of escape comes in the form of Brigg, cursed Rain Demon and bit­ter, human hat­ing bas­tard. But beg­gars can’t be choosers.

When Brigg finds him­self in pos­ses­sion of a human and a horde of angry demons des­per­ate to get her back, he flees. When he real­izes that she is the daugh­ter of the witch that cursed him and his fam­i­ly, he believes that he has final­ly got the oppor­tu­ni­ty he has been hop­ing for. The only thing he must decide now is what is more impor­tant to him, the rever­sal of the curse, or revenge?

Nei­ther one are pre­pared for the flame that ignites between them. But will the spark be enough to break to the curse that holds them apart?


Brigg walked back to the cas­tle and opened the heavy wood­en door. He was utter­ly shat­tered. His mus­cles burned from run­ning but his mind was still filled with Cal­ly. No mat­ter how hard or fast he had run, he couldn’t clear her from his thoughts. He had wait­ed until he was sure she was asleep before he came back.

What was he going to do tomor­row? Lust was so heavy in his body, it burned and urged him–even when she was nowhere near.

The moment his feet set down in the hall­way, Brig­gs atten­tion was drawn to the library. A dull, but cozy light shone out from the gap around the door and Cally’s scent hit him hard. She was still up? Cant a demon catch a break?  His feet took him to the library door with no con­scious thought oth­er than…


His heart-rate picked up and throbbed in his ears. He grabbed the door han­dle and yanked the heavy dark oak back. Cal­ly sat in the mid­dle of the room on a large leather chair, on her lap sat a big, leather-bound book. Clear­ly star­tled by his entrance, she jumped a little.

Brigg!” Her eyes wide, she watched him as he stood in the door­way. He was unable to move, struck dumb by the image she made sit­ting the chair, hold­ing the big book–looking all sleepy and sweet. “Are you ok?” She frowned and then set the book aside. She dropped her ele­gant legs to the floor and stood up. She was wear­ing his shirt, the one that he had loaned to her, but she no longer had the bag­gy trousers on–and Brigg couldn’t look away from the creamy flesh  on display.

She had beau­ti­ful, shape­ly, fem­i­nine legs, and as she moved clos­er, he could see that her skin was smooth. Fuck! He want­ed to taste her. His head pound­ed and his chest drew tight. She was a vision, an image plucked right from his dreams. Many a time–before the curse–he had dreamed of such a beau­ty being his. She would look at him with a soft expres­sion, just as Cal­ly did right now. And he would take her in all the ways he craved. But he was no longer that young Rain Demon, the young demon with smooth skin and a face as human as hers. He was a beast, an ugly mon­ster who didn’t deserve the look of inter­est Cal­ly was flash­ing right now. He let out a low growl. Cal­ly stopped mov­ing, her eyes flar­ing wide.

That’s it, human, be scared of the Beast.

What are you doing awake?” The growl still sat in his voice when he spoke, and he wasn’t sur­prised to see Cal­ly swal­low visibly.

I‑I couldn’t sleep.” She took anoth­er slow step in Brig­gs direc­tion, all the while she watched him as if he might run, or attack. Brigg stayed per­fect­ly still, aware that the moment he allowed his body to move, it would go in her direc­tion. Every­thing inside him homed in on the Princess. The Beast, the Rain Demon–it all focused on Cal­ly and her bare flesh and bright eyes. The clos­er she got, the hard­er his beast was to control.

Stop, Human.”

I love it! Thanks, Ker­ri­anne. Don’t for­get to leave a com­ment to be entered to win a copy of Beau­ty and the Beast.

You can find Ker­ri­anne at her web­site, and fol­low her on Twit­ter like I do.  

3 thoughts on “Welcome, Kerrianne Coombes

  1. Loved the excerpt! Added to my tbr list…i’m gonna have to get a sec­ond job just to buy books, lol.

  2. Tan­tiliz­ing! Para­nor­mal is one of my pre­ferred genre reads, so I under­stand what you’re say­ing here: real-life vamps = boogey­man; lit­er­ary vamps = Yowszah! 😉

    Con­grats on the book and I wish you all the best. BREAKPEN!

    BC Brown ~Para­nor­mal, Mys­tery, Romance, Fantasy
    “Because Weird is Good.”

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