Saturday Status 3/3/12

Yay! It’s March! June is just around the cor­ner! I can’t wait for flip flop season.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ March means Irish music until you puke! I’m sure you were won­der­ing where you’d get your reel and jig fix. Well, I’m here for you. I was raised in a big Irish fam­i­ly, where we learned all the lyrics to drink­ing songs before we knew they were drink­ing songs.  Enjoy John­ny Jump Up by Gael­ic Storm, the band that gained fame from the bel­ly of the Titanic.

Work in Progress News ~ I went through three rounds of edits on Wyoming Solace, two last week alone. I’m ready for some con­tem­po­rary lovin! So I’m kick­ing some major butt on my free read. It’s at 10K right now, but some of that is part of Pre­View that I tossed in there to tie it in. I real­ly like the chem­istry between these two. If you recall, this sto­ry was inspired by a blog hop post I did for Valen­tine’s Day last month. With luck by next Sat­ur­day you’ll have a link to download!

New Release~ Woohoo! Com­pa­ny Ink was released on leap day! Blurb:  Sid­ney has crushed on her boss Grant for over two years. When she final­ly push­es him to his break­ing point, they both end up win­ning. The frat­er­niza­tion pol­i­cy their com­pa­ny holds dear means they’ve got to keep their new rela­tion­ship deep under wraps. Grant knows this could end very bad­ly. He could be charged with sex­u­al harass­ment, accused of favoritism, or worse—they could both be unem­ployed. Grant is will­ing to risk it all to dip his pen in the com­pa­ny ink. Excerpt and buy links can be found HERE.

Back­list News ~ Both Fine Print and Pre­view got reviews at Scorch­ing Book Reviews last week. The review­er’s thoughts on  Fine Print: “Once again this is a fan­tas­ti­cal­ly writ­ten sto­ry where the rela­tion­ships aren’t rushed and the sto­ry flows at just the right pace.” And her thoughts on Pre­View: “With the sus­pense build­ing sto­ry­line and the huge twist I found this dif­fi­cult to put down.”

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Some­one found Alan­na by search­ing for “Retreat Movie”. Now, I do own the film rights to Retreat, so if there’s a pro­duc­er out there that’s inter­est­ed, just know this: It’s John­ny Depp or no deal.

What I’m read­ing ~ Anoth­er week to reread some old favorites. This week it was Cameron Dane’s ReneCade. A con­tem­po­rary west­ern-ish m/m. There is a whole lot of emo­tion in this one, and one of the big plot points is a “mis­take” that Ren makes that real­ly sends both men reel­ing. I won’t give it away, but Cameron does a great job by not gloss­ing it over, or mak­ing Cade so quick to forgive.

Hero Quote ~ From the free read I’m work­ing on. I real­ly need a title for this…

I have one ques­tion Mac can’t answer. Do you taste as deli­cious as you smell?”

Okay, I’m back to work on this free read. It won’t write itself! (I tried that. It real­ly won’t) Have a great week.



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