Saturday Status 3/10/12

Wel­come! Anoth­er week gone, and I real­ly don’t have much to show for it wip-wise. One week away from St. Patrick­’s Day! I’d bet­ter get my corned beef roast before the town runs out (and they always do).

Favorite Song of the Week ~ More Irish music!  This week I’m shar­ing a song by the love­ly group Celtic Woman (I still think they should be called Celtic Women, but what do I know. This song, Dan­ny Boy brings tears to my eyes, espe­cial­ly when per­formed so beautifully:

Work in Progress News ~ Soooo close to fin­ish­ing this free read. Alan­na has been slack­ing all week, and I’m wait­ing so patient­ly for my use of the cor­po­re­al body so I can get some­thing done. She does have a beau­ti­ful cov­er for it though. Thanks!

Indus­try News ~ It seems that Dorch­ester Pub­lish­ing has appar­ent­ly closed its doors. After years of some­what shady deals and with­hold­ing author roy­al­ties, this isn’t much of a sur­prise, but there it is. My thoughts are with the authors who will ulti­mate­ly be pawns in the big sell-off game. Good luck to you all!

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~  I could­n’t fig­ure this one out. “coca sol­ca”.  Turns out Sol­ca is a town in Roma­nia. Maybe some­one is writ­ing a Seuss­ian sto­ry about Alan­na Coca in East­ern Solca.

What I’m read­ing ~ This might be why I did­n’t fin­ish my free­bie. I’m so sor­ry, but I saw this book and could­n’t help myself! So I helped myself and bought Rule of Three by Kel­ly Jamieson.  It’s a menage about an estab­lished cou­ple adding a third.

If you fol­low the rules, you miss all the fun… Kas­sidy is a good girl who wants to be bad. Dag is a bad boy who is very, very good. And Chris? He likes to watch…”

Hero Quote ~ Anoth­er from this free­bie that ALANNA BETTER FINISH!!

Either you admit that our kiss felt as damn good to you as it did to me, or you say it did­n’t affect you, and we can do it again.”

Okay, that’s it for me. I work at 5am tomor­row, and with the whole spring­ing for­ward thing, I’m gonna be one grumpy girl at 4:00 I think they should offer nap time on Spring For­ward Sun­day. That’s going in the sug­ges­tion box. Have a great week, everyone!

Whadd'ya think?