Saturday Status

Wel­come! I’m glad you made your way through the dis­gust­ing SNOW that’s falling out­side my win­dow right now.  Is it July yet?!

Okay, a short update this week:

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Okay check out this one by Gotye. Appar­ent­ly I’m the last per­son in the world to know about him. He. Is. Awe­some. This video took my breath away too.

 Work in Progress News ~ Well, I worked on a ver­sion of a free read to com­ple­ment Pre­View for a week or so, then as I’m writ­ing a post for the blog hop (the post below, join us!!) I decid­ed to go in anoth­er direc­tion. I think it’s because my orig­i­nal plan was to write a sto­ry with­out a romance, and that’s just appar­ent­ly beyond my abil­i­ties. So, since I switched I wrote about 4K words. I guess that was the right move.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ How about this one: “woman sexy fun­ny acci­dent”. Not real­ly sure about where that came from, but glad you found me!

What I’m read­ing ~ With the blog hop and a few weird eye issues (I can’t see out of parts of my right eye, every­one!) I did­n’t get time to read any­thing new. I’m start­ing to get withdrawals.

Hero Quote ~ This is a quote from what I’m work­ing on now. Meet Gregory:

This is my bed­room, Miss Mey­er. If I want some­thing beau­ti­ful and fem­i­nine in here, she’d damn well bet­ter have two legs and a pulse.”

I think that’s it for me. Be sure to join us on the hop (just scroll down a bit…there ya go) where you can win a NOOK touch! Along with a ton of ebooks.

Whadd'ya think?