Saturday Status 1/28/12

Howdy! It’s a win­tery week­end here in Wyoming. I hope you’re all cozy and warm wher­ev­er you are.  Feb­ru­ary is hot on my heels. I hope the ground­hog sees his shad­ow. Or does­n’t see it. I always for­get which.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Ordi­nary Heroes by Howard Jones. A sto­ry about the hero inside all of us. This song is my inspi­ra­tion for my cur­rent work in progress, about an injured K‑9 cop.

Indus­try News ~ This is pret­ty inter­est­ing. A bit of a mind-bog­gle for you. Accord­ing to this post on Ebook Newser,

In a pre­sen­ta­tion at the Dig­i­tal Book World con­fer­ence in New York today, author/futurist David Houle shed some per­spec­tive on where the pub­lish­ing indus­try is today, com­pared to its place in his­to­ry. “There were more books pub­lished this week than there were in all of 1950.”


Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Pret­ty tame this week! Besides the usu­al fur-cov­ered celebri­ty (I swear, I’m nev­er going to live that post down). This week, it’s: “some­one came but for a vis­it”. Well okay! I guess that’s you! Welcome!

What I’m read­ing ~ This week I read an alter­nate uni­verse slash dystopi­an pseu­do d/s book. Here’s part of the blurb: Trans-Glob­al IT direc­tor Con­nor Witt is a rare and prized anom­aly: the aggres­sion cen­ters in his brain have been sup­pressed rather than stim­u­lat­ed by the mutat­ed crops that so recent­ly took over the world’s food sup­ply. Bewil­dered by his phys­i­cal changes and ter­ri­fied of a world grow­ing more and more preda­to­ry, Con­nor risks harass­ment and worse until Trans-Glob­al CEO David Mar­tin col­lars Con­nor to pro­tect him against men like secu­ri­ty con­sul­tant Emmett Drake. Men who stalk Con­nor as sweet, sexy prey. Men to whom the new­ly sub­mis­sive Con­nor feels irre­sistibly drawn.  Real­ly well writ­ten book, the char­ac­ters grow and change, adapt­ing to their new roles with­in the pages. I’m real­ly lik­ing Rip­tide Pub­lish­ing’s stuff!

Hero Quote ~ Here’s a quote from Olivi­a’s next release from Dark Moun­tain Books. Com­pa­ny Ink will release 2/29/11. This sen­tence pret­ty much sums up the book:

But when I’m this close to you…and I get drunk on your scent…I strug­gle to give a shit about my career.”

I guess that’s it for me. Every­one have a great week­end. Stay warm!

Whadd'ya think?