Happy July Tenth! Today is my state’s 121st birthday! Wooohoo! I’m going to celebrate by reading a whole bunch of six sentence snippits. How about you?
This week I’m sharing six sentences from my upcoming romantic suspense PreView, which will be published September 5 from Carina Press:
Ryann ground her forehead into her bent arm and leaned into the shower wall. The hot water beat down onto her back. Steam had built to such a level that she was barely able to see the various bottles of beauty products lining the stall. Taking a deep breath was out of the question; the air in the shower was too hot and thick. As much as she wanted to relax and purge her mind of the dream, whenever she closed her eyes it would replay, starting with the deep twisting in her gut.
Something isn’t right.
Hope you all have a great day. Enjoy summer while it lasts!
A great six! Congrats on teh new release! WOOT!
Love a great shower scene…now we want a man added! LOL Kiddin. Superb six!
Great six, I love shower scenes!
Smooth. Well written. Enjoyed your six.
Excellent six.
Very well done! Thanks for sharing.
Great snippet, but feel sorry for her.
WOOT congrats on the upcoming release from Carina!
Loved the snippet… very atmospherical and kinda creepy. What is going to happen next, why does she sense something’s not right? EEK! Hope Norman Bates isn’t about to slash his way through the shower curtain?
Poor her!
Congrats on the release.
I could feel the twisting — great snippet and congrats on the release
This is the first shower scene I’ve read on SSS that didn’t involve at least 2 people. Curious about her dream, especially in light of the title.
Love the description, the residual effects of her dream. Congrats on the Carina Press release!
the description was great. nicely done
Oh wow. Interesting!
Such an emotional shower scene. Are we going to learn what the dream was that has her so tied up in knots.
Great snip! I can really feel her emotional turmoil!
Romantic suspense, my favorite genre!
Love the foreshadowing here, the sense of ominousness.
Great use of description to paint a picture. That last verb should be “wasn’t” tho, and not “isn’t.” You switched tenses.
Thanks Lauri. I guess the italics got lost in translation between word and wordpress. That’s an internal thought. I fixed it though
Shower scenes are always great, but now I NEED to know what’s wrong.
Dawn’s Early Light 6SS
Great turmoil and emotion roiling through her! Now, next week promise to let us know what “isn’t right” in her world to cause her such angst!
Ooh, intriguing! What’s not right?
Great six! Thank you
I’ve read this so I already know what’s not right. But, I can’t wait to read the final version from Carina. Keep the snippets coming, they’re great!
So much intrigue in this six. I must know more!
I’m pretty curious what happens next…