Six Sentence Sunday 7/10/11

Hap­py July Tenth! Today is my state’s 121st birth­day! Wooohoo! I’m going to cel­e­brate by read­ing a whole bunch of six sen­tence snip­pits. How about you? 🙂

This week I’m shar­ing six sen­tences from my upcom­ing roman­tic sus­pense Pre­View, which will be pub­lished Sep­tem­ber 5 from Cari­na Press:

Ryann ground her fore­head into her bent arm and leaned into the show­er wall. The hot water beat down onto her back. Steam had built to such a lev­el that she was bare­ly able to see the var­i­ous bot­tles of beau­ty prod­ucts lin­ing the stall. Tak­ing a deep breath was out of the ques­tion; the air in the show­er was too hot and thick. As much as she want­ed to relax and purge her mind of the dream, when­ev­er she closed her eyes it would replay, start­ing with the deep twist­ing in her gut.

Some­thing isn’t right.

Hope you all have a great day. Enjoy sum­mer while it lasts!

26 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 7/10/11

  1. WOOT con­grats on the upcom­ing release from Carina!
    Loved the snip­pet… very atmos­pher­i­cal and kin­da creepy. What is going to hap­pen next, why does she sense some­thing’s not right? EEK! Hope Nor­man Bates isn’t about to slash his way through the show­er curtain? 

  2. This is the first show­er scene I’ve read on SSS that did­n’t involve at least 2 peo­ple. Curi­ous about her dream, espe­cial­ly in light of the title. 

  3. Such an emo­tion­al show­er scene. Are we going to learn what the dream was that has her so tied up in knots. 

    1. Thanks Lau­ri. I guess the ital­ics got lost in trans­la­tion between word and word­press. That’s an inter­nal thought. I fixed it though 🙂 

  4. I’ve read this so I already know what’s not right. But, I can’t wait to read the final ver­sion from Cari­na. Keep the snip­pets com­ing, they’re great! 

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