Hot New Release!

It’s final­ly here! Blonde and Blue is book four of Tri­na M. Lee’s Alexa O’Brien Huntress series. I was lucky enough to have had a sneak peek, and let me just say a pub­lic thank you to Tri­na for giv­ing me more of my favorite Vam­pire. She’s also hard at work on book five, which just can’t be com­plet­ed fast enough for her fans.
Looks great, huh? Here’s a blurb:
Blood­lust and pow­er. Were­wolf Alexa O’Brien is a slave to them both. Due to her bond with her vam­pire lover, Arys Knight, she strug­gles to keep the grow­ing blood­lust from con­sum­ing her. As she falls deep­er into the seduc­tive embrace of blood and death, the dead­ly desire is encour­aged by the for­bid­den attrac­tion between her and close friend, Kale Sinclair.
An unusu­al “job” fills Alexa with sus­pi­cions and ques­tions. The dis­cov­ery of who, and what, she real­ly works for leaves her reel­ing. An oppor­tu­ni­ty to take on a new role presents itself but it isn’t for the faint of heart.
While try­ing to run the prob­lem­at­ic local vam­pire hotspot, The Wicked Kiss, Alexa learns that some­one is seek­ing the killers of a major blood ring play­er. And that means Alexa and her wolf mate, Shaz. For Arys, it gets per­son­al and it soon becomes clear there’s some­thing he’s not shar­ing. But he’s not the only one with a secret. Despite every­thing, Shaz insists on a cel­e­bra­tion for Alexa’s approach­ing birth­day. If only she lives to see it.
Intrigued? Read chap­ter one right HERE.

You’ll want to start with book one though, so below are the first three in the series. if you’d like more infor­ma­tion just click one for its blurb and excerpt.

If you’re not a fan of spark­ly vam­pires, then you’ll LOVE these books. This is a real Urban Fan­ta­sy series, for adults only. I’ve read them all, and I’m pret­ty vocal about my favorite char­ac­ter Kale, who real­ly needs a big ol scrunch. I’m here for you, Kale!

So, who’s your favorite Alexa O’Brien Huntress Series character?


Whadd'ya think?