Welcome! Thanks for taking a break from dying eggs and taste-testing the Easter candy with us! On my blog, I’m going to give away the winner’s choice of my backlist ebooks. All you have to do is tell me the story behind this guy in the bunny ears. It doesn’t have to be long or anything, just a few sentences that explains what he’s up to.
Here’s mine:
Karen could barely contain her giggles. How she’d talked Aidan into wearing those damn ears, she’d never know. And now he had agreed to an impromptu game of hide and seek in the huge backyard of their private vacation condo. Now she needed to find a way to properly thank him for being such a good sport.
She unbuttoned her shirt, then uncapped the tiny jars of acrylic paint. She’d have to hurry if she wanted to finish painting her body like an Easter egg before he found her…
Okay, I don’t need a whole scene from you, maybe just a sentence or two. I’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments below. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Have fun!
Also, after you recover from this weekend’s blog hop, I’ll be involved in another one on Easter weekend. We’ll be giving away a NOOK along with a plethora of other prizes. Check back here for details. Bloggers, there is still time to sign up to join in the fun! Click the banner below for more information.
Thanks for stopping by! I’ll email the winner on Monday morning 4/18/11
She anticipated the gleam in his bright green eyes the second he noticed the gold flecks circling her lush breasts. A small giggle escaped her mouth as she drew a ring of iridescent purple at the base of her spine, a shiver running up her back at the thought of his velvet tongue gliding along the lines she delicately added there.
Thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com
Good thing my boyfriend has a sense of humor. He looks so cute with those bunny ears… I’ll make it up to him with lots of chocolate sauce…
Count me in if it’s international!
kah_cherub at hotmail dot com
An evil witch turned a rabbit into a man.
hey um yeah see i found these ears and i just thought i’d you know try them on for size. What theirs a bunny tail to with them? No kidding! Where?? .… oh yeah right never mind.( pulls bunny ears off and throws them down but looks longingly at them) lol
Lisa B
modokker at yahoo dot com
Awesome! Keep them coming lol Love them all.
He thought he would surprise her…wearing the bunny ears and …nothing else… He texted her cell phone and told her to come “find” him in the backyard…that he had a surprise for her! Little did he realize that he sister was visiting and had seen the text and decided to go outside and look for him herself…
Thanks for participating in the giveaway hop:)
mk261274 at gmail dot com
MMMM.…funnny!!! It was either the bunny ears or a pair of special “panties’ with bunnies all over them that I had purchased just for this occasion.…..He chose the bunny ears.….later that night, after a bit of “encouragement” the ears were on as well as the bunny panties — I promised I wouldn’t take a picture but.…..
This was fun!!!
blazesandbubbles AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for joining the hop. I love your post it’s fun. Enjoy
id love to win, enter me.
punkme15 at gmail dot com
“Oh come on hunny bunny what could one innocent picture of you in bunny ears hurt” Karin asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“My ego for one thing.” Josh pouted prettily
“Your a big boy you can handle one picture in ears. Plus you have a smokin body no way is the ears going to take away from that.”
“On picture woman and that is all I am giving you. I swear if the guys at work sees this…”
“They won’t I promise.”
Three weeks later while walking into the office three girls giggle. Walking past the screen he discreatly looks to see what the fuss is all about and sure enough there is him in all his ear glory on a blog hop stamp where the whole world can see.
Oh that woman would pay for what she had done to him and it included whips, chains, and an intreasting use of peeps.
Marcus decided to surprise his girlfriend by opening the door to their apartment wearing bunny ears…and nothing else. She was surprised, and so were her parents and grandmother. Nana looked him over head to toe, and then started back up again, but did not quite make it to his navel. “Well, hello,” she said. “Isn’t this a lovely sight to see.”
Do I have to come up with a reason he is standing in the grass with ears on, I would rather just hop over the grass and join him!!
It never paid to go drinking with Luke, the SOB. But to lose a bet on quite this scale was something that Eric might never live down. He relaxed his stance and smiled nonchalantly for the camera…plotting revenge all the while.
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
You know it was his girlfriend that made him put on the bunny ears so she could photograph him as a joke.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! As for the guy with the bunny ears.… Isn’t it obvious? He’s a shape shifter who didn’t completely “shift”!
Bobby couldn’t remember how he got there or how he ended up wearing only bunny ears. The last thing he remember was the beautiful woman at the bar and a few drinks.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
So peeved that my step grandma came in my room and took the pic I had of my husbands lushus backside out of my displayed jewlery box. I loved to look at that cute tush every day while I was gabbing my earrings (true story BTW) I have no idea where she put it an am assuming it made it’s way to the garbage can. I am having so much fun now posing my hubby in these bunny ears
I know she’s coming over for easter and maybe if I give my husband a couple more shots I can get him to lose those pants. If she was so offended by his backside, I wonder what she’ll do when she sees the front side?
Bahahahaha, the first half is true and no I never did find the pic
I never would of done the second half, but it’s fun to wish 
Those ears he said… he had been trying to hide them his whole life.. Easter was the only time he could be who he really was the Easter Bunny… giving women everywhere a real reason to celebrate.
It was Christmas morning, he opened the package under the watchful eyes of his girlfriend, curious to see what was hiding in the package that got her so excited. He tore open the paper and touched something soft. A scarf? He took it out and grinned: it was a pair of Playboy bunny ears.
“So Gorgeous, this is your surorise for me? When will I get the special performance?” he asked wiggling his eyegrows suggestively.
His girlfriend laughed and shook her head:
“Oh no big boy, those are for you!”
“What?” he stuttered not really understanding her.
“I want YOU to be my bunny for a day..and night. Believe me, you’ll get your reward.” she replied suggestively with a heated glance.
“Oh um.. ok” he said already picturing the possible rewards. He couldn’t wait for Easter to arrive…
Thank you for the fantastic and fun giveaway!
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
It’s his girlfriends birthday and this year her birthday is on easter. So to surprise her, when she comes home from work he is standing by her bed in his bunny ears with rose petals on the bed and on the night stand chocolate covered strawberries and whipped cream.
Forgot my email.
beckerjo at verizon dot net
thanks for the giveaway
I was wondering about the pic since I saw this hop .I have to say he does make them ears look good
Thanks for the great giveaway!
tishajean@ charter.net
He is joining a faternity and this is their initiation!!
Thank you for the giveaway!!
“I wonder if these ears make my a** look big…” Steve wondered as he rang Lauren’s doorbell. “And I hope her neighbors are at work! This is the last time I’m betting anything during our weekly poker night…”
f dot chen at comcast dot net
I can’t really think of much. maybe… he didn’t know how he got into this mess. wait. . maybe he did. It had to do with his friend’s plea for help. He didn’t know that it would end up with him in a pair of bunny ears without a shirt and on a stage surrounded by potted plants and all the single ladies beyond that. . Right then and there he made a promise to himself never to say yes to any pleas around the holiday or special event times without finding out all the details. . it was too late for this time but next time it wouldn’t be. The spotlight came on and he took a deep breath of courage and a step towards the center of the stage.
jessangil at gmail dot com
Due to the overwhelming responses, I chose three winners rather than just one, so…
Congratulations to Lisa Peters, Stella ExLibris, and Sherry S, who were all chosen randomly to win their choice of my backlist. Hope to see you all on the next blog hop on Easter weekend!
Thanks for stopping by, I enjoyed all the comments
Hooray, Lisa P, Stella, and Sherry! Thanks for celebrating, Olivia!