Six Sentence Sunday 1/9/11

Six more! Wel­come back to the SSS post. Wow, lots of par­tic­i­pants this week. I already have a hard time mak­ing them all every week, so I appre­ci­ate you stop­ping by.

We’re join­ing Brynn in her hotel room after she left her los­er hus­band Jack.

Heal­ing The World char­i­ty teamed up with her prac­tice, the Bone and Joint Surgery Cen­ter to bring a five year old acci­dent sur­vivor from Soma­lia for much need­ed recon­struc­tive cran­io­fa­cial surgery. Along with the media cir­cus sur­round­ing lit­tle Nad­if’s surgery, there was the heav­ier than nor­mal load of sports injuries, all of which meant some long hours on her feet.

Of course, the whole rea­son she took on the addi­tion­al patients was due to her sit­u­a­tion with Jack, so if she chose to blame the man for her stress, she was jus­ti­fied. The email she sent him yes­ter­day, insist­ing that he stop call­ing her phone did no good. He called as she ate a soli­tary din­ner deliv­ered by room ser­vice, and left anoth­er voice mail when she failed to pick up.

Brynn pulled open the drapes, and stared down at the Dal­las sky­line, the lights twin­kled all the more furi­ous­ly, as if they knew that the sun­rise would soon mute them.

Wow those were long sen­tences. I swear that’s only six! That’s it for me. Hope you can vis­it a good chunk of the rest of the blog­gers post­ing their six sen­tences at the main web­site. SSS is grow­ing!  On another sub­ject, if you’re a blogger/author, and would like to join in a blog hop, I’m putting one togeth­er for Valen­tine’s Day, just click HERE for info. Have a great week everyone!

20 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 1/9/11

  1. This is my first SSS, so I haven’t read your pre­vi­ous excerpts, but love how well you’ve set up the sit­u­a­tion, set­ting, main char­ac­ter and foun­da­tion of con­flict. Very pol­ished and “invis­i­ble” writ­ing where the words flow so nat­u­ral­ly that the read­er can get total­ly lost in the sto­ry. Loved it!

  2. So hap­py that she’s done with Jack. Real­ly want things to turn around for Brynn. Already invest­ed in this sto­ry. Six sen­tences at a time.

  3. Thanks, every­one for vis­it­ing! I work on Sun­days, and it takes me all day to catch up with you guys!

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