Six Sentence Sunday 1/16/11

Anoth­er Sun­day, anoth­er six from my silent WiP. The only rea­son this file gets opened at all is to post six sen­tences every week. Even­tu­al­ly the SSS will catch up with me, and I’ll have to actu­al­ly write the damn thing.


Any­way, we join Brynn in the hotel:

The street below was as qui­et as it ever would be, but news­pa­per and trash col­lec­tion vans rushed to fin­ish up before the city awoke.

With anoth­er men­tal wake-up slap, she stum­bled into the bath­room. Not time to day­dream. Tues­days were always busy. Three surg­eries sched­uled today, and she’d be on call at the hos­pi­tal tonight. At the end of the week she would have some down time.

Okay. I swear this book will get excit­ing soon. I promise! Thanks for stop­ping by. With 58 SSS posts on the Six Sun­day Site to choose from, I real­ly appre­ci­ate those of you who chose my bor­ing six to read! Have a great week everyone.

20 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 1/16/11

  1. Not bor­ing in the least, just sol­id, clean writ­ing. I love the whole grog­gy aware­ness of her sur­round­ings and how she forces her­self to get out of bed. It shows so much…she’s tired, fac­ing a busy week, and try­ing to think ahead to some relaxation–or maybe some­thing more?–on the weekend.

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