Six Sentence Sunday 10/31/10

Hap­py Hal­loween! Wel­come to the creepy edi­tion of SSS.  This week I’m tak­ing a break from my reg­u­lar sto­ry to show­case six sen­tences from my only para­nor­mal-ish book Pre­ja Vu. Since I don’t have any hor­ror works in progress, or even shifters or vamps, you get the clos­est thing I have to creepy. Ryann Phillips is a psychic.

Her dreams real­ly do come true, and that’s not always a good thing.

Ash­ley cut the engine and turned toward her friend. “So do you want to tell me about it? I assume it was a death dream this time, oth­er­wise you wouldn’t be look­ing like a corpse yourself.”

Ryann’s dreams had been a dai­ly dis­cus­sion since the two met in col­lege. Ash­ley was the first per­son Ryann trust­ed enough with her secret, and since she believed Ryann with­out ques­tion, she’d become more than just a confidante.

Ryann met her best friend’s gaze. “Yes, it was a death. A murder.”

Coin­ci­den­tal­ly,  today is the last day that you’ll be able to get a copy of Pre­ja Vu. I’ve pulled my rights from one pub­lish­er, and sold it to anoth­er, so in the inter­im it will be unavail­able until sum­mer of 2011 when you’ll see it on the Cari­na Press shelves.

Ash­ley cut the engine and turned toward her friend. “So do you want to tell me about it? I assume it was a death dream this time, oth­er­wise you wouldn’t be look­ing like a corpse yourself.”

Ryann’s dreams had been a dai­ly dis­cus­sion since the two met in col­lege. Ash­ley was the first per­son Ryann trust­ed enough with her secret, and since she believed Ryann with­out ques­tion, she’d become more than just a confidante.

Ryann met her best friend’s gaze. “Yes, it was a death. A murder.”

11 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 10/31/10

  1. Well, okay then! lol I was gonna say it’s one of the only books I don’t have in your col­lec­tion but that’s all right. I’ll wait until Cari­na has it 🙂

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