Six Sentence Sunday 9/26/10

Hap­py Sun­day folks!


The weeks are just fly­ing by. I think it’s the end of sum­mer that has me scram­bling to enjoy every minute with­out snow. It went too quickly!

I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just move on with the SSS post shall we?

She left the couch–because he picked it out–and she left the kitchen appli­ances. The house­keep­er was hap­py enough when she gave her the rest of the month off with pay, Jack would either have to learn how to cook, or eat out a lot. She left the computer–the incrim­i­nat­ing files in the print­er tray–and she left the bed just the way it was. She could bare­ly walk into the room, let alone go near that damn bed again.

At the front door, Jack ran one hand through his hair, and shoved the oth­er in his front pock­et. Brynn rec­og­nized the ges­ture as one that he resort­ed to when he need­ed to con­trol his emo­tions. See­ing him this way only strength­ened her resolve. 

That’s it from me, but  be sure to check the oth­er par­tic­i­pants at the offi­cial web­site. Thanks for stop­ping by!

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