Six Sentence Sunday 8/1/10

Hap­py Sun­day! It’s August already? It looks like it’s going to be a beau­ti­ful day here on the top of this moun­tain. I’ll have to enjoy the view though, lots to do today. Mov­ing right along. Six more sen­tences from my roman­tic sus­pense with­out a title. We rejoin Brynn and Susan in the restaurant:

I’ve got some ideas for an apart­ment for you already. I’ll email you some vir­tu­al tours.”

Noth­ing too fan­cy, and remem­ber, either a sub­lease or a month to month thing. Once I sell the house, I’ll want to buy some­thing new with­in the year.”

What if you don’t get the house?”

Brynn gave her friend a sly smile. “Can you believe I got him to sign a prenup?” Susan’s dropped jaw con­firmed that she could not.

Have a great Sun­day every­one! Be sure to check out the oth­er SSS Par­tic­i­pants over at the offi­cial web­site.  

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