Two Reviews for Position Secured

I enjoy get­ting reviews. Not only the good ones, (though they are my favorite) but even those who offer con­struc­tive crit­i­cism, because it helps me improve. I don’t expect to please every­one, because each read­er has his or her own back­ground and tastes. Take for exam­ple the review from CK2’s Kwips and Kri­tiques. This read­er is involved with police every day. She was­n’t very com­fort­able with a fan­ta­sy being played out dur­ing a tense scene. Now, when I first read that review, and she said a cer­tain part grossed her out, that cer­tain­ly was­n’t the part I would have picked. Still, in sum­ma­ry, here are her thoughts:

How­ev­er, after I got over that and read the rest of the sto­ry, POSITION SECURED was a good read. Sexy, with inter­est­ing char­ac­ters, and steamy sex; I do wish there was enough space for the char­ac­ters to have a lit­tle more depth but I know that’s a hard task to accom­plish in such short space. For the price of POSITION SECURED, I rec­om­mend giv­ing it a try.

Not bad! And a three sham­rock rat­ing too. The Romance Reviews also took a look at Posi­tion Secured, and had this to say:

This is a hot, fun read when you’re look­ing for a quick fix. Almost from the get-go, Ms. Brynn ramped up the heat, leav­ing you no room to heave even a quick gasp. The chem­istry between Mari and Marc fair­ly siz­zled, and the tan­gi­ble hunger each felt for the oth­er almost leaped off the pages.

A four star rat­ing along with her thoughts on Mar­i’s new out­look on cops. Take a look at the reviews, I’m pret­ty hap­py with them. I’m work­ing hard on anoth­er hot short that’s just way fun to write. It’s flow­ing well and quick­ly, and I hope to fin­ish this one up before the end of July. If it’s pol­ished enough, I’ll post an excerpt next week. Â 

2 thoughts on “Two Reviews for Position Secured

  1. Those are some pret­ty good reviews! Are your books avail­able in Aus­tralia? Not my genre, but I’d be inter­est­ed to have a read 🙂

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