Done! Well, kinda.

I just fin­ished my short (short­est yet) book. It’s an inter­ra­cial con­tem­po­rary novel­la. Want to know the title? So do I. Titles have always been a tough thing for me. How do you cap­ture the mood in so few words? What word will grab a read­er by the ears and shake them until they want to read the book? It’s got­ta be good, and as they say, you nev­er get a sec­ond chance to make a first impres­sion. Cov­er, title, blurb. In that order. Each of those three make my gut twist.  So I’m open to sug­ges­tions. Here’s a short blurb-ish thing:

Psy­chol­o­gy 301, three days a week.

For half a semes­ter, Jaycee has used every one of those nine­ty min­utes to deposit glimpses of ROTC cap­tain Tyler John­son into her fan­ta­sy bank.

An acci­den­tal touch leads to flar­ing libidos, and before she knows it, she’s enact­ing her hottest fan­ta­sy beneath a set of stairs in the class­room building.

Objec­tions to their rela­tion­ship come from an unex­pect­ed source, mak­ing Jaycee sec­ond guess their future togeth­er. Is sex­u­al chem­istry enough?

Okay, that’s the unof­fi­cial blurb, still pol­ish­ing that too.

Any ideas? Leave your sug­ges­tions in the com­ments, and if I choose yours, you’ll get not only the brag­ging rights, but a dig­i­tal copy of your choice of any of my (or Alan­na’s) backlist.

In oth­er news, I “met” my new edi­tor for Cari­na Press today via email. I can’t wait to hear her thoughts on Tes­sa’s Pride. Well, maybe I can. Ask me when I’m deep in the throes of edits.

And now what? I don’t know. Poor Alan­na has been wait­ing patient­ly for her turn to write. She’s got some plot issues that she needs to work out on the one WiP that she’d love to fin­ish. (Inter­est­ing­ly enough, it isn’t titled either) There are sev­en oth­ers to choose from, guess we’ll go root­ing through the WiP file and see what strikes us.

14 thoughts on “Done! Well, kinda.

  1. Oh I love the title game!! LOL I know, not a game for you. I’ve always found it fun tho, and a few times, authors have used one of mine.

    Some sug­ges­tions for you:

    Hot for Teacher (was­n’t sure if Tyler is the teach)
    Class­room Shenanigans
    Learn­ing the Hard Way — K, could be some puns in that one! LOL
    Stair­way to Heav­en — Sor­ry, had to, it came to mind instant­ly with the stairs LOL
    Sex­u­al Chemistry

    Not sure any­thing helps, but was fun!

    1. So fun­ny Tracey, Stair­way to Heav­en popped into my mind too! No, Tyler’s not the teacher, but now I feel like I should write that…

      Yes, these are helping.

      Thank you both.

  2. Book sounds great! My two sug­ges­tions — Read­ing, Writ­ing, and Sex or Sexy Home­work. Often I find the title hard­er to come up with than writ­ing the entire book.

    Good luck with it!

  3. Nine­ty Minutes.

    That’s the only one I could think…Titles aren’t in my forte, either. 😉

  4. Erot­ic Studies

    School Fan­tasies

    Exot­ic Psychology

    Can’t real­ly think of oth­ers off the top of my head- good luck find­ing a title.

  5. Oooh, fun. As long as the books I have to title aren’t mine, LOL

    Extra Cred­it Assignment
    Stay­ing Late
    Mak­ing All A’s
    Assign­ment: Sex
    Bonus Points
    Rid­ing The Curve
    Learn­ing The Curve
    Stay­ing After Class
    Delv­ing Deep

  6. Psy­chol­o­gy 301’ sounds good to me lol


    ’90 Min­utes’

    (Still like the first & last word titles best hehehe…!)

    There. Good.

  7. Oh Riv­er, you NAILED it! AT EASE is just per­fect. I’ll con­tact you about your prize.

    Thanks to every­one who helped, I could­n’t have titled it with­out you!

    More about At Ease com­ing soon!

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