Six Sentence Sunday 6/20/10

Wel­come back! Well, I’m work­ing on this WiP again. And in the process cut about three thou­sand words. I hate doing that. As if I have a weird per­son­al attach­ment to every word I type! Some­times the only way for­ward is to take a step back, right? Okay, con­tin­u­ing from last week:



            In the past six hours since she found the con­ver­sa­tions, Brynn had reviewed the past six years with a new per­spec­tive. Late nights at the office, meet­ings that required overnight stays, phone calls dur­ing din­ner to his cell that he would ignore then excuse him­self moments lat­er. If she had access to that cel­lu­lar phone bill, she would find out who those calls were from. Unfor­tu­nate­ly his phone was pro­vid­ed by the car deal­er­ship where he worked, and she would nev­er know.

            “Any clue who the woman is?”

No, and believe me; I looked. He only called her “baby” in the chat logs. I know there’s a way to track her through her inter­net provider, but I doubt the police would be will­ing to dig through my com­put­er because my hus­band cheat­ed on me.” 

Check out the oth­er SSS Par­tic­i­pants at the offi­cial web­site. Have a great week!

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