Six Sentence Sunday 4/11/10

Today I’m fea­tur­ing the first six lines from my work in progress as yet unti­tled, a con­tem­po­rary roman­tic suspense.

Bron­wynn stirred her cof­fee, but had no rea­son to; she liked it black. The black­er the bet­ter. Noth­ing should get in the way of pure caf­feine intake. The chink­ing sound of her spoon hit­ting the side of the mug calmed her for some rea­son, so she con­tin­ued to stir. Her world had been turned upside down this morn­ing. A sim­ple virus scan led her to the chat log files, a con­ver­sa­tion between her hus­band and an unknown woman, and her curios­i­ty took over from there.

Now that Olivia fin­ished her lat­est, I’m going to pick this one back up and start hack­ing away. Thanks for stop­ping by, and for more SSS fun, be sure to check out the offi­cial web­site for more participants.

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