Imagine this: You’re enjoying a night out with your other single friends. There is plenty of eye candy…one guy is just your type. You send the right signals, he returns them, and finally he makes his way over. First impression is good: Nice eyes, smells great, well built, clean hands.…then he opens his mouth, and he sounds like Beaker from the Muppets. If you can restrain your giggles, do you put that aside and get to know him better? Or is that just the one thing you can’t deal with? If not the voice, then what is it that would make you turn down an otherwise perfect catch? I had so many “hell no“s that I couldn’t list them all here on the poll. (No, I’m not picky…) Let me know your “no-fricking-way“s.
I don’t like no stanky men…or women. My last job I had to deal with ubber funk.
I wanted to pick more than one! In the end, I decided on the true deal-breaker. A man with body odor can take a shower and I can introduce him to Axe or something. lol. No sense of humor though? Nope. Not gonna happen…
Good point Dee, but could you get in the car with him on the first date?