Saturday Survey 4/10/10

Imag­ine this: You’re enjoy­ing a night out with your oth­er sin­gle friends. There is plen­ty of eye candy…one guy is just your type. You send the right sig­nals, he returns them, and final­ly he makes his way over. First impres­sion is good: Nice eyes, smells great, well built, clean hands.…then he opens his mouth, and he sounds like Beaker from the Mup­pets. If you can restrain your gig­gles, do you put that aside and get to know him bet­ter? Or is that just the one thing you can’t deal with? If not the voice, then what is it that would make you turn down an oth­er­wise per­fect catch? I had so many “hell no“s that I could­n’t list them all here on the poll. (No, I’m not picky…) Let me know your “no-fricking-way“s.

Biggest Turnoffs

3 thoughts on “Saturday Survey 4/10/10

  1. I want­ed to pick more than one! In the end, I decid­ed on the true deal-break­er. A man with body odor can take a show­er and I can intro­duce him to Axe or some­thing. lol. No sense of humor though? Nope. Not gonna happen…

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