Saturday Survey 2/6/10

Okay, you know these guys. The type of men that could read you the news­pa­per, and you’d still swoon. The Irish accent was recent­ly vot­ed the sex­i­est. There are so many that I’ve left off…so feel free to leave a com­ment and let me know your favorite.

What is it about accents? Is the Amer­i­can accent sexy to a Euro­pean woman? These are the things that keep me awake at night folks. Well, that and some of these guys are just too sexy for words…but don’t stop talk­ing boys, we love ya.


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6 thoughts on “Saturday Survey 2/6/10

  1. I went for Aus­tralian all the way 😀 I’d like to go “down under” *wig­gles brows*

    Although if Cajun was an option, I would have had a hard time choosing 😀

  2. South­ern drawls are over-rat­ed (said only ’cause I pos­sess one and main­tain every­one else has the accent and *not* me) but any Aus­tralian can just crack open a phone book and start read­ing to me. :^)

  3. Oh, such a choice!
    I adore Anto­nio Ban­deras (the pic is from Des­per­a­do, btw, where he also sings in Spanish!)
    BUT, I’m also a fanat­ic Irish lover. Now, my choice of Irish accents aren’t the ones you hear in the movies usu­al­ly — those harsh ones. I love the soft South­ern accents the most

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