
I don't see any handcuffs in their logo...laptop paper penNovem­ber is Nation­al Nov­el Writ­ing Month. A chal­lenge to authors to write a 50,000 word nov­el in 30 days. That’s only 1,667 words per day. No prob­lem right? My usu­al min­i­mum is 2K. Well, I signed up for NaNoW­riMo, know­ing I had no plot to work on, but I’m a pantser any­way, so I’ll just start typ­ing, and see what comes up.

Well, I got about 1,200 words in before that idea fiz­zled. This makes five nov­els I’ve start­ed, and not one of them is speak­ing to me. Last night, I start­ed yet another. I remem­ber some­one once telling me that I always got too many things start­ed, and nev­er fin­ished any. Maybe they were right.

On the oth­er hand, there was a time when I had four nov­els going, and would write whichev­er called to me on that par­tic­u­lar day. Not one of them was writ­ten quick­ly, but they all trudged ahead, and when I final­ly did con­cen­trate on one, it did­n’t take me as long to wrap it up. I’m hop­ing for the same outcome.

Maybe I should be more dis­ci­plined, but cre­ativ­i­ty does­n’t work very well with discipline.

Deter­mi­na­tion is my only moti­va­tor. I want to reach this goal, and I will, even if I have to write 10K a day dur­ing the last week. If you’re Nano’ing, add me as a bud­dy, (alan­na coca) maybe you can keep me mov­ing ahead instead of switch­ing tracks mid-trip.

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo

  1. *gets out pom poms* GOOOO Alan­na! Go, go Alan­na! I think most peo­ple hit those bumps in the road. I hit them and I write nonfiction–sometimes you have a the­sis in mind and it just does not seem very excit­ing. There is also my hawt gamer love sto­ry about the storm troop­er guy that has fiz­zled a bit…Oh Oh and my were beaver porn.

    Yeah. My prob­lem now is read­ing. Maybe I should take a pool on how many books I can devour in two weeks. Shall we? You write and I read? You do 1K for every book I read?

    1. I think that’s a great idea. We’d bet­ter make my quo­ta 3k, since I’m so far behind. Thanks for the cheer­lead­ing, I’ll take all I can get!!

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