Wolf’s Tender

He's even yummier once you get to know him

Eppie final­ist Gem Sivad’s newest release Wolf’s Ten­der is out today 11/16/09. I’ve got the buy link hooked to that book cov­er there which will be active this evening.

Those of you who’ve read Inti­mate Strangers already know what a mas­ter Gem Sivad is at his­tor­i­cal west­ern romances. One of the best things about Wolf’s Tender…it’s book one of a series. Thank you Gem! Here’s a blurb:

Rough and tough Char­lie Wolf McCal­lis­ter knows he needs to get laid, when even a spin­ster school teacher with a sharp tongue, starts look­ing good to him. But, cad that he is, he oper­ates on the phi­los­o­phy that a bird in hand is bet­ter than no bird at all. And so he offers to trade ser­vice for–servicing. 

When Nao­mi Park­er’s stu­dents are snatched from their school by maraud­ing Comancheros, she can’t believe that she hid like a cow­ard and let it hap­pen. The only way to ease her con­science, and get the girls home safe­ly, is to hire half-Kiowa boun­ty hunter, Char­lie Wolf McCal­lis­ter. His price seems a bit steep, to prim and prop­er Nao­mi who must choose between her virtue and her stu­dents’ lives.

When one straight-laced spin­ster, ten­ders her body, to one cyn­i­cal some­times sav­age, the unex­pect­ed boun­ty, is love.

Click HERE for a spicy excerpt (o‑18)

Vis­it Gem’s web­site for more great romances by the mas­ter! You won’t be dis­ap­point­ed I promise.

2 thoughts on “Wolf’s Tender

  1. Hi 🙂
    Tri­na has an excel­lent post on your upcom­ing release!
    I thank her for intro­duc­ing me to you & your writing.
    Are you on Twit­ter? I searched but could­n’t find you.
    All the best,
    (twit­ter: @RKCharron)

    1. Thanks RKC! I am on twit­ter under Alan­na­Co­ca. I am fol­low­ing you 🙂 Olivia is my alter ego. Maybe she needs her own twit­ter account. Hmm…

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