Reviewer Top Pick

Woo hooo!! Night Owl Romance has cho­sen Wyoming Solace as a Top Pick! I get com­pli­men­ta­ry com­ments from friends and fam­i­ly about the book, but it’s always nice to hear it from some­one who does­n’t know me, and isn’t afraid to hurt my feel­ings. Here’s a snip­pet of the review, and a link to Night Owl Romance.

Elise Vick­er­son is def­i­nite­ly a woman with a lot of back-bone. She is not your usu­al cow­er­ing damsel in dis­tress. Though she has suf­fered a lot she is ready for any­thing that comes her way now. Cody is def­i­nite­ly a man she wants but is afraid to feel for him…Alanna Coca did a beau­ti­ful job on bring­ing out the emo­tion in her char­ac­ters and in me. You will feel Elise’s heartache in cer­tain chap­ters. Cody is a hero after my own heart. He is def­i­nite­ly your cow­boy — One to pro­tect you. I just loved it!” ~ Melinda

Thanks Melin­da!

2 thoughts on “Reviewer Top Pick

  1. Thank you Ser­e­na! It’s my first nov­el, so I have a spe­cial place in my heart for these characters.

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