The Write Music

I can’t work when it’s too qui­et. I think that comes from my 18 years in big-box retail. I need cry­ing babies, ring­ing tele­phones, walls full of TVs, and over­head speak­ers in order to get any­thing done. Since I don’t have that in front of my lap­top, (and real­ly, I must be thank­ful) I lis­ten to a lot of music.

When I wrote Wyoming Solace I lis­tened to a lot of ’90s coun­try. Garth Brooks, Clint Black and even Alaba­ma. I don’t know if the book took me to that place, or if the music took me there to write the book. shrug

Writ­ing Pre­ja Vu, I lis­tened to a lot of HipHop. Flo-Rida, Tim­ba­land, Justin Tim­ber­lake, Black Eyed Peas, etc.

Recent­ly I’ve been putting my entire col­lec­tion of tunes on “shuf­fle” and I get a sur­prise every 4 min­utes. 🙂 I get Kei­th Urban fol­lowed by Josh Groban, Eminem after that, then Pink Floyd to round out my all-encom­pass­ing musi­cal tastes. Got­ta love Rhap­sody and/or iTunes!

It’s not cry­ing babies or pis­sy pro­duce pur­chasers, but it’s a living!

5 thoughts on “The Write Music

  1. I know the feeling.Music can real­ly set the mood.I use that when I walk to work the right tune seems to come on at the right time and it can real­ly set the tone of the day.
    I do have a sug­ges­tion for music tho.If you can get Ken­ny Ches­ney’s new album Lucky Old Sun.Top to bot­tom it is a great album.Pick up some of his old­er stuff too,you won’t be dis­s­a­point­ed.
    I knew you’d have to have some Floyd in Shine On You Crazy Diamond 🙂

  2. I know the feeling.Music can real­ly set the mood.I use that when I walk to work the right tune seems to come on at the right time and it can real­ly set the tone of the day.
    I do have a sug­ges­tion for music tho.If you can get Ken­ny Ches­ney’s new album Lucky Old Sun.Top to bot­tom it is a great album.Pick up some of his old­er stuff too,you won’t be dis­s­a­point­ed.
    I knew you’d have to have some Floyd in Shine On You Crazy Diamond 🙂

  3. Well yeah. Floy­d’s a giv­en. David Gilmour put a solo CD out in ’06 that is real­ly good.

    I have that album!! VERY good. Kei­th Urban’s new one is good too.

    Thanks for drop­ping by sir… 😉

  4. Music def­i­nite­ly inspires my writ­ing. Some­times I can’t write with music play­ing b/c then I want to sing along and get dis­tract­ed lol. But late­ly there have been a few songs that are help­ing to write the 3rd Alexa book in my head. I was think­ing of adding a music page to my site to list the stuff I use as inspiration. 

    Speak­ing of big box retail, I will nev­er miss Wal­Mart radio. That was pure hell. Lol.

  5. YES!! The same six songs loop­ing over and over and over and over and over…55 hours per week. There are about eight songs that I absolute­ly CANNOT lis­ten to thanks to Wal Mart Radio hehe

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