IMDB Reject

I’m a hor­ri­ble movie-goer. I judge by the pre­views and trail­ers whether I want to see the movie, and then I make the deci­sion of see­ing the flick either in the the­ater or wait for the DVD. The prob­lem is, there are so many films that I haven’t seen, and then I for­get about them when it’s time to rent one! Maybe it’s because I have small chil­dren, because we NEVER miss a Pixar release.…

I’m going to con­fess some­thing right now…here on the web for every­one to see and make fun of me.

I haven’t seen any of the Lord Of The Rings movies. I know, I know! I also haven’t seen any of the Juras­sic Park movies. Go ahead, lay in…I’m ready.

I have seen the movie The Princess Bride at least a thou­sand times…

3 thoughts on “IMDB Reject

  1. What a heart-rend­ing con­fes­sion. Clear­ly you’re a roman­tic and not a sci fi fan. I think that’s con­sis­tent with you’re book.

  2. HAHA I nev­er thought of it that way. Yes, most of the movies I’ve seen are roman­tic. Anoth­er one of my favorite romance movies is Ever After, the Cin­derel­la sto­ry with Drew Bar­ry­more. Dougray Scott plays the prince and he’s so dreamy.…

  3. I dont know what to say. This web site is superb. Thats not actu­al­ly a seri­ous­ly huge state­ment, but its all I could come up with imme­di­ate­ly after read­ing this. You real­ize much about this issue. 

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