Help Me!

Alright, my work in progress needs a title…

My hero­ine Ryann is a woman who has prophet­ic dreams. Every night she dreams about some­thing that will come to fruition some­where in the world. She does­n’t know the sub­jects of her pre­mo­ni­tions, and she just gets these snip­pets of their lives.

One night, Ryann dreams of a mur­der. The fol­low­ing day, she actu­al­ly meets the vic­tim. She is sure that she can pre­vent the mur­der if she sticks by this woman. Luck­i­ly, she has the help of a hottie.

My first title was “Pre­view”

My father sug­gest­ed “Pre­ja Vu”

What do you think? Either/or? Nei­ther? Suggestions?

4 thoughts on “Help Me!

  1. I love com­ing up with titles (still think­ing of one for a recent WIP myself). Do you have a lit­tle tiny excerpt I could read to get a feel for your char­ac­ters or just a blurb that is more telling? I’d love to offer a few suggestions.

  2. Off the top of my head I’m get­ting things like:
    In Dreams
    A Sight To See
    First Sight
    Dark­est Dream

    If you think these suck, that’s ok. Just spit­ting them out at random. 🙂

  3. Hmmm.…titles are always tough…
    Flash For­ward
    One Chance

    I suck at this, but I just want­ed to say I love the premise. Cool sto­ry idea!

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