Groundhog Day

Ground­hog Day

Feb­ru­ary Sec­ond. I nev­er real­ly under­stood the whole “Ground­hog-see­ing-his-shad­ow” thing. Isn’t March 20th the offi­cial first day of spring, no mat­ter what the big ol rodent says? Of course here in Wyoming, the first day of spring is June 30th, and the first day of fall is July Fourth.
Still, every year (since it came out in 1993) I cel­e­brate Ground­hog Day in my own way, by watch­ing the Bill Mur­ray movie by the same name. If you haven’t seen it, today would be a great day, it will prob­a­bly be on TV tonight, check your list­ings. I also was able to google the answer to a ques­tion about that movie that had always haunt­ed me…SPOILER ALERT!! How many days did he actu­al­ly live through? The answer is 34, but it was hint­ed that he spent years in the cycle (who could learn piano in 34 days?)
Any­way, as I sit down to my com­put­er for anoth­er day of tap­ping the keys, I get the strange feel­ing that I’ve been here, done that…hmmm…
(Maybe Harold Ramis will send me a check for the movie plug)

2 thoughts on “Groundhog Day

  1. I live a lit­tle far­ther south than where I grew up, in the cold, cold parts of north­ern Ohio on a farm.By Feb­ru­ary I’d already skat­ed to the barn for as many as three months, some­times four if it was an ear­ly winter.I promised myself then, that I’d move to a place where win­ter was­n’t still count­ing the days from the day Punx­sutawney Phil saw (or did­n’t) see his shadow.And I did. 

  2. I live a lit­tle far­ther south than where I grew up, in the cold, cold parts of north­ern Ohio on a farm.

    By Feb­ru­ary I’d already skat­ed to the barn for as many as three months, some­times four if it was an ear­ly winter.

    I promised myself then, that I’d move to a place where win­ter was­n’t still count­ing the days from the day Punx­sutawney Phil saw (or did­n’t) see his shadow.

    And I did.

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