Six Sentence Sunday 7/18/10

Good morn­ing all! Ever have one of those morn­ings were the win­dows are open to let the nice cool breeze inside, the town is qui­et all night long…and then the birds wake you up at 5:00 in the morn­ing?! Sigh. I love birds, real­ly I do…I just wish they slept in on Sundays. Oh well, I had to get up any­way. Con­tin­u­ing from last week:

 “I’ll be wait­ing at home…at the house when he gets off of work. Just enough to say my peace.”

Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place? It isn’t like it’s crowd­ed there.” Susan cov­ered Brynn’s hand with hers. Her bit­ter­ness over a long dead for­mer rela­tion­ship still came up often. Brynn had giv­en up talk­ing her through it; it was obvi­ous­ly Susan’s secu­ri­ty blan­ket of sorts.

God, save me from end­ing up like that.

That’s all for me! Be sure to vis­it the SSS web­site for  more participants.

6 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 7/18/10

  1. And the sto­ry goes on! You are doing a real­ly great job of telling it in lit­tle, tiny snippets!

Whadd'ya think?