Saturday Survey

Okay, you’re walk­ing down a dark alley, in search of a good time…when sud­den­ly two crea­tures appear from around a cor­ner. A sexy vam­pire, and a sexy were­wolf. You’ve got one hour and a hotel room key. What’s your choice?















2 thoughts on “Saturday Survey

  1. I am all about the sexy vamps since I fell in love with Angel on Buffy the Vam­pire Slay­er. Hell, prob­a­bly when I could­n’t get enough of Barn­abas Collins on Dark Shad­ows. (And that def­i­nite­ly ages me. lol!)

  2. Angel is my favorite by far. That Were is pret­ty cute, but a lit­tle too young…I’ll give him a few years. I for­got all about Barnabas…I should have found his pic!

Whadd'ya think?