Completing Retreat

Got the offi­cial email today. Time to start edits on Retreat. That calls for a Yee Haawww!!

Yes­ter­day, I was cre­at­ing the char­ac­ter pro­files for Andi and Jake, and got to look­ing through that man­u­script. I’m read­ing along, thinking…did I write this? I don’t remem­ber that! Had it been that long? I even have a trail­er for Retreat, I’m just wait­ing on some music.  In my defense, I’ve fin­ished two books since then, and edit­ed yet two oth­ers. Retreat seems to be my red-head­ed stepchild. No offense to the red heads out there. (Where did that phrase come from anyway?)

Now that it’s in the hands of a very capa­ble cov­er artist (Aman­da Kel­sy, I’ve raved about her before, yes I know) and edits are under­way, maybe I should dig that trail­er out and fin­ish it up. Stay tuned!

Whadd'ya think?