A Corpse, a Cop, and Canines.

Wel­come to the pro­gres­sive sto­ry, a great way to cel­e­brate Ground­hog Day! You’ve found Chap­ter one of our story,

A Corpse, a Cop, and Some Canines. I’m sure this will be on the best­sellers list soon, and it might win a Pulitzer or two. I’m not sure how that works, but I do know that this will be a lot more fun than watch­ing Punx­atawny Phil on TV.

UPDATE! The entire pro­gres­sive sto­ry is now avail­able for free down­load right here: 


Table of Con­tents. It is sort of like the Holy Grail.

Chap­ter 1: Alan­na Coca

Chap­ter 2: Dee Car­ney

Chap­ter 3: Juniper Bell

Chap­ter 4: Ann Marie Gamble

Chap­ter 5: Bar­bara Sheridan

Chap­ter 6: Christo­pher Daley

Chap­ter 7: Ray Garton

Chap­ter 8: Heather Wild­man

Chap­ter 9: Saran­na De Wylde

At the end of Chap­ter One, you’ll find a link to the next blog, erot­ic romance author Dee Carney.

A Corpse, a Cop, and some Canines

Chapter One–>

We can’t walk away.” Jes­si­ca held a hand over her nose and mouth. The stench of the bloat­ing body was noth­ing like she’d ever encoun­tered before. She’d already emp­tied her stom­ach behind a stump, but she had to swal­low a few times to keep from gagging.

Casey had wrapped her­self as tight­ly as pos­si­ble in her jack­et, as if that were the only thing keep­ing her from falling apart. “I just don’t want to get involved. You know they look at the peo­ple who dis­cov­er the body as pos­si­ble suspects.” 

And if they find out we were here and didn’t report it, we’d look even guiltier.”  Jes­si­ca spun around and pinched her eyes shut. She couldn’t look at the naked corpse any more. The girl looked to be in her ear­ly twen­ties, her blond hair tan­gled in the tall grass and twigs. “Stay here. I’m going for help.”

Jes­si­ca ignored her friend’s protests, and hoped her legs would car­ry her back up the incline to the high­way before she col­lapsed. She’d nev­er seen a dead body before, and now her first hap­pened to be a mur­der vic­tim. It would be a long time before the vision of that girl’s death mask would leave her mem­o­ry, and she’d nev­er for­get that smell.

She stead­ied her­self on the still-warm hood of her car, but before she could even get inside and to her cell phone, she looked down the high­way to see a police car head­ing her way.

Thank God.

Jes­si­ca scram­bled into the mid­dle of the road, and waved fran­ti­cal­ly. Her heart drummed in her ears as she watched the cop pull over, his car fac­ing hers on the shoul­der, and flip on the flash­ing lights.

He was out of the car before she could reach him. “Car trouble?”

Uh…” Good Lord. Jes­si­ca had to crane her neck in order to see his face. Broad shoul­ders, thick neck…damn. This had to be the hottest cop she’d ever seen. Black hair cut short, and thick dark eye­brows fram­ing a set of gor­geous blue eyes. She bit her lip, and let her gaze trav­el down his deli­cious-look­ing body, then back up, lin­ger­ing on the hand­cuffs dan­gling from his util­i­ty belt. Before her imag­i­na­tion could get too far, she met his eyes.

Now, one of those brows had raised in amuse­ment. “Need a jump?” 

Oh yeah. She need­ed a jump all right. She knew her wicked thoughts showed, because He grinned, flash­ing a set of white teeth. She was mes­mer­ized by his teeth for some rea­son. Almost like they were sharp­er than normal…fangs? Not like­ly. Snap out of it, Jess. Fangs. Ha.

I’ve got a cable,” he con­tin­ued, those blue eyes glint­ing naughtily. 

A cable?” Jessica’s mind cleared, and she rushed back toward the incline. “No…no…we didn’t have car trou­ble. We found a body. My friend and I were gath­er­ing lime­stone for an art project and we pulled over…”

Her words rushed out, and she only hoped they made sense. They must have, because she could hear him fol­low­ing her down the incline while she spilled everything.

Now, I’d like to intro­duce best sell­ing and award win­ning author, Dee Car­ney. Dee writes erot­ic romances in the para­nor­mal, urban fan­ta­sy and con­tem­po­rary inter­ra­cial gen­res. If you’re look­ing for some­thing a lit­tle spici­er, don’t for­get Mor­gan Sier­ra, Dee’s alter ego. On to Chap­ter Two…

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