Saturday Status 8/9/14

Howdy! Wel­come back. If you reached this post via social media, you’re one of the lucky ones! 

No sta­tus last week, since I was part of the JustRomance.Me blog hop. I know the three of you out there in the world real­ly missed my sta­tus post. (Hi, Mom!) 

Work in Progress News ~ Back to work on Jack­son. I don’t know why, he’s just the guy who start­ed talk­ing when I opened the WIP fold­er, so I’ll keep writ­ing as long as he keeps talk­ing. This is a stand­alone (at least for now) M/M. It’s actu­al­ly a GFY, and I’m hes­i­tant. Hope I can pull it off. Luck­i­ly I have a pletho­ra of M/M authors I can rope into giv­ing me advice on this thing. 

Favorite Song of the Week ~ New coun­try duo, new label, new sin­gle. I’m gonna have to say these two are going to be pret­ty big. This song is great for many reasons:

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ Ama­zon has begun “same day deliv­ery” in very lim­it­ed areas (and with very lim­it­ed mer­chan­dise options). I don’t think they get to use drones yet though, so I’ll hold out for that! I’m still hop­ing Hatch­ette and Ama­zon will work out their dif­fer­ences before my favorite author San­dra Brown’s book comes out lat­er this month. If not I’ll have to read a hard­back copy like the old days!

What I’m read­ing ~ Oh, you guys. I read a hor­ri­ble book, and by chap­ter two I knew I was going to hate it, and I kept read­ing any­way. By chap­ter five I had sev­er­al pas­sages high­light­ed where the hero is such a JERK! I mean rude and mean and lots of fill in the blank­ish­ness. I should­n’t have wast­ed my time, but this was writ­ten by a fair­ly well known author, so I fig­ured I must be miss­ing some­thing. Any­way, I won’t be show­cas­ing it here for you because I’m pret­ty dis­ap­point­ed that I won’t get those few hours of my life back.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From my wip Jack­son, because I feel like sharing.

Noah slouched over his whiskey, try­ing like hell to ignore the dry-hump­ing cou­ple on the seat beside him. He’d get up and move, but the place was packed, and he had to hold onto this bar stool or he’d end up stand­ing against the wall. Fac­ing the crowd. That would lead to eye con­tact. Eye con­tact led to conversation.

Noah wasn’t here for con­ver­sa­tion. He was here for nine­ty min­utes and as much alco­hol that his twen­ty dol­lar bill would buy. Unfor­tu­nate­ly it wasn’t much, so he nursed his drink until the ice melt­ed. He showed up fif­teen min­utes before this bus­load of bar-hop­ping col­lege stu­dents. If there is a God, they’ll get bored and look for a club with dancing.

All right, you guys.  Foot­ball has already start­ed, and base­ball is still in full swing (haha!), but go out and enjoy these few remain­ing sum­mer weekends.

Whadd'ya think?