Saturday Status 8/16/14

Wel­come! What an awful week news-wise. I’m still bro­ken up about Robin Williams’ pass­ing. You know how there’s a small hand­ful of celebri­ties that feel like they’re “yours”? Like no one under­stands them or appre­ci­ates them like you do? Robin was one of those guys for me. He remind­ed me a bit of my broth­er, a bit of my father, and a bit of sev­er­al favorite uncles all put togeth­er. I’ll miss him for a long long time.

Work in Progress News ~ Still work­ing on Jack­son. I did­n’t get a whole lot done this week though. I think my muse is on an extend­ed vaca­tion. I have no excuse, so I won’t even both­er try­ing to rea­son why. sigh At what point do I have to call myself a “For­mer Author”?

Favorite Song of the Week ~ AKNU. Three broth­ers. What do you guys think?

Tweet of the Week ~

What I’m read­ing ~ A new Cameron Dane book!
Ex-con David Joyn­er returns home know­ing he must atone for his past sins. Work­ing at an ani­mal shel­ter, David keeps his head down, des­per­ate to prove to a hos­tile town he’s a new man. The one time David looks up, he spots fel­low motel dweller Ben, and is ter­ri­fied by his attrac­tion to the man. David doesn’t want to feel any­thing. He can only dam­age what he loves. 
On a forced vaca­tion, PI Ben Evans accepts a job to tail a recent­ly released pris­on­er. What begins as an easy gig turns com­pli­cat­ed when Ben, a con­trolled man, can’t deny the pang of empa­thy he feels for his sub­ject, David. Ben can’t sup­press his aggres­sive sex­u­al desires when­ev­er he’s near David either. 
Repeat­ed­ly cross­ing paths, David and Ben do their best to fight their grow­ing attrac­tion. When pas­sion explodes, and secrets are revealed, both men have to con­quer inner demons in order to accept the oth­ers love. 
Some­one has turned the tables on David, though, stalk­ing him and leav­ing threat­en­ing notes. Will any­one believe David if he tells? And when David’s stalk­er rais­es the stakes, can Ben find the man who has become his world in time to save their love?

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Be sure to watch to the end.

last-call-cinecover-smallerBook Snip­pet ~ From Last Call:



How do you feel?”

She stretched, then ran her hands down his arms until her fin­gers linked with his. “I feel great.”

Not hun­gover at all?” He brought their hands tighter around her, hug­ging her against his front.

My throat hurts, I must have been talk­ing too loud. A bit of a headache, but not too bad.”

That’s good, because I want to take you out.”

She was qui­et for so long, he start­ed to won­der if he’d blown it. No mat­ter, he’d do it again in a heartbeat.


Yeah, you know. We could start with lunch…maybe some putt-putt golf.” He stroked the soft skin of her stom­ach. “I have three days off from work, and I know that you’re…you know…unobligated.”

I don’t know,” she rolled onto the mat­tress beside him and propped her­self on her elbows. “My mom­ma warned me about boys. They just want one thing.”

Did she warn you about fire­men?” He kissed the tip of her nose.

She gig­gled. “I know they han­dle some pow­er­ful hoses.”

Whadd'ya think?