Saturday Status 6/14/14

Howdy! It’s a breezy (as usu­al) sum­mery day here on top of this moun­tain. Isn’t this the coolest tree? It’s at a local park here. I feel like I’ve stepped into a Dr. Seuss book. I’ve got a bunch of dri­ving to do in the next few days, but I’ve got just enough time to catch you up on what I’ve been up to:

Work in Progress News ~ I haven’t accom­plished much this week. I’m so ashamed of myself. Still, I open my wip every day, and get a lit­tle bit done. Luck­i­ly I have Tri­na M. Lee who will keep me in line and focused.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Sor­ry. I know you’re prob­a­bly sick of Let it Go. But this one is “African­ized”!

Back­list News ~ For a Price, Olivi­a’s very first pub­lished novel­la is now FREE at many retail­ers, and hope­ful­ly the rest will get with the times. I wrote this book over a long week­end, after read­ing an arti­cle about a woman auc­tion­ing off her vir­gin­i­ty. Check it out! You’ve got noth­ing to lose:


Tweet of the Week ~

16094280What I’m read­ing ~ The author of this book passed sud­den­ly last week. If you feel so inclined, and if you enjoy roman­tic sus­pense, you might give this a try. Every lit­tle bit will help her young fam­i­ly dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time. I hon­est­ly haven’t read it yet, but it real­ly looks good!

For two years, State Troop­er Kayne Dobres­cu has want­ed only one thing: to under­stand why his wife inex­plic­a­bly killed their chil­dren and then her­self. Mem­o­ries haunt his days and lay siege to his nights, leav­ing him ques­tion­ing his rea­sons for liv­ing. 

Jes­si­ca Hall­statt became a wid­ow and sin­gle moth­er the night her fire­fight­er hus­band died in a fiery explo­sion at an acci­dent scene. While her hus­band may have died a hero, he left Jes­si­ca with deep emo­tion­al scars that haven’t begun to heal. 

When Kayne accept­ed a trans­fer to the moun­tain town of Payson, Ari­zona, he nev­er expect­ed to meet any­one like Jes­si­ca. From the moment he pulled her over for speed­ing, he was drawn in by her whiskey-col­ored eyes and sassy dim­ple. He knows she and her chil­dren are a for­ev­er type pack­age, and he’s vowed nev­er to give any­one the pow­er to destroy him again. Yet fate has oth­er ideas, throw­ing Kayne and Jes­si­ca togeth­er in a fight against an unknown ene­my to save the life of a child—and hope­ful­ly one another. 
Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From Cov­er Story:

She pulled him down for anoth­er kiss. His tongue made danced in her mouth, his lips gen­tle but demand­ing, his hands mov­ing in per­fect har­mo­ny with the rest of his body to make her feel his kiss from head to toe. Like two teenagers dis­cov­er­ing sex, they were tan­gled in each oth­er. She only pulled away from his mouth to breathe and whis­per encour­age­ment and praise in his ear.

He looked down to grin at her. When she smiled back, he again cov­ered her lips with his.

Music. A jaun­ty tune, even muf­fled by the bed­ding rang clear through the room.

Cate bit her lip, her amuse­ment clear.

His head rose, and he grinned up at her. “They can leave a mes­sage.” He went back to his seduc­tion of her shoul­der, ignor­ing the per­sis­tent ringing.

Before it even stopped, there was a pound­ing on the door.

I know you’re in there, Bo. I can hear your phone.”


Okay folks, that’s it for me.  Have a great weekend.


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