Saturday Status 3/8/14

 It’s a beau­ti­ful day up here on top of this moun­tain. A dust­ing of frozen dew on the ground, but clear skies and no wind! It’s going to be a great weekend.

Work in Progress News ~ I’m back to work­ing on Dean. I’ve been bounc­ing around my wip file all week, and real­ized that my next con­fer­ence is just over two months away, and I would real­ly like to have some­thing to pro­mote while I’m there. There’s no rea­son I can’t fin­ish this book, so back at it I go.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ It’s March, which means you get to hear some of my old favorite Irish tunes! You’re wel­come. Dúlamán is a very old song, sung in Irish here, reworked for this a capel­la choir. You’d nev­er believe they’re singing about seaweed.

Back­list News ~ Today is the LAST day to get all of my Smash­words titles free for Read an Ebook Week! They’re fea­tured here at Smash­words, along with hun­dreds of oth­er titles either free or at a dis­count. Have fun!
Tweet of the Week ~

What I’m read­ing ~ Anoth­er his­tor­i­cal romance from the box set I pur­chased a while ago that’s now no longer avail­able. This one I’m just start­ing, so I don’t yet know much about it, but here’s the blurb: Mis­tak­en Identity
Dirick of Derk­land cares about noth­ing but seek­ing vengeance for his father’s bru­tal death. When the beau­ti­ful and spir­it­ed Maris mis­takes him for her betrothed, sparks ignite, and he sud­den­ly finds him­self torn between hon­or and the only woman who may be able to heal his soul.
A Whis­per of Rosemary
Maris is a gift­ed heal­er who can cure many ills with the herbs in her gar­den. But can she find a rem­e­dy for the dan­ger and decep­tion that threat­en to keep her from the man she loves?

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ One of the most pow­er­ful One Sec­ond A Day videos you’ll see.

Book Snip­pet ~ From my work in progress, as yet unti­tled, a friends-to-lovers story:

John stretched. It would be best if every­one here assumed he slept like a rock. “Give me a break. I’m on vacation.”

I know you are, sweet­ie.” Judy set a plate piled high with fluffy pan­cakes down in front of him and plant­ed a smack­ing kiss on the top of his head. “You work too hard.”

He driz­zled syrup on his pan­cakes. “Can I get that in writing?”

Kendall said some­thing. Prob­a­bly some­thing snot­ty, but John didn’t hear it. Hal­lie had opened the refrig­er­a­tor, bent over to peer inside, and John went stupid.

She’d found the “per­fect jeans” a few months ago, and bought out her size at the store. He’d seen her wear a pair just about every day. There was no rea­son for her ass to look that round. That tight. That per­fect. She straight­ened, turned, and caught his eye. For the life of him, he couldn’t look away or pre­tend he wasn’t just check­ing out her ass.

His best friend’s ass.

Hal­lie held up a car­ton of orange juice. “Want some?”

Get a grip, John. “Yeah, please.” He shoved pan­cake into his mouth and again dropped his gaze to his plate.

Okay folks. That’s it for me. Have a great weekend!

Whadd'ya think?