Saturday Status 12/7/13

5865997_blogTis the sea­son! Where I actu­al­ly don’t mind shop­ping, (much) and play my favorite Christ­mas tunes and eat lots of sug­ary sweets and com­fort foods galore! We got our first big snow­storm this week, enough to make me break out my trusty green Sorels. Also it has­n’t been above zero for a few days. If you guys want to know where the term “cab­in fever” comes from, check back with me in about five days.

Work in Progress News ~ Plug­ging away on my Christ­mas friends-to-lovers m/f short sto­ry. At least it’s short for now, who knows how this will end. I don’t expect I’ll get much done between now and the end of the year, but I’m already plan­ning a new year’s over­haul on my writer­ly work ethic.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Maybe my favorite ren­di­tion of this song ever. I’ve got such a crush on Josh Groban, so he can do no wrong in my book, but seri­ous­ly, this guy’s pipes are pret­ty much golden.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ So as the above tweet sug­gests, Ama­zon has announced its plans to have home deliv­ery by drone with­in the next few years. They say they’ll be able to deliv­er ordered mer­chan­dise with­in 30 min­utes. I find the prospect of drone deliv­ery fas­ci­nat­ing, though I doubt it will reach me here in the mid­dle of nowhere. [source]

What I’m read­ing ~ I’ve been work­ing my way through this boxed set of eight novel­las. It’s a great way to read new-to-me authors while still ensur­ing I’m get­ting at least one sto­ry I’ll like from an author I know and love. I’m read­ing book #6 in the set, and so far it’s won­der­ful. All eight sto­ries are cen­tered around a tat­too shop (Mid­night Ink), so the books are woven togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly. I think novel­la boxed sets are my new favorite things.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ I hope you all appre­ci­ate how many tear jerk­ing videos I go through to find just the right one to share with you here. I’m keep­ing Kleenex in busi­ness, that’s for sure. This one is kind of long, but you can skip ahead. The real mag­ic starts after most of the kids fin­ish the race at 2:35

Book Snip­pet ~ From Pre­View:

I need to talk to you.”

She wait­ed for him to con­tin­ue. It irri­tat­ed her when he didn’t. “Go ahead.”

No, not over the phone. I was hop­ing to meet you somewhere.”

Right now?” Ryann shot upright. She wasn’t pre­pared to meet him. Emo­tion­al­ly or even phys­i­cal­ly. She’d have to show­er and—

No, not right now. It’s Sat­ur­day night. I’m sure you have plans.” Again he paused. If he expect­ed her to fill him in on her Sat­ur­day plans, or lack there­of, he would be sore­ly dis­ap­point­ed. “Tomor­row. Cof­fee somewhere?”

I don’t know.” But cof­fee was com­plete­ly innocent…

Look. I know I didn’t make the best first impres­sion on you. I’ve apol­o­gized for that, and I hoped you were adult enough to let it go.”

Mr. Kear­ney, there is no need to ques­tion my matu­ri­ty.” Ryann saw red again, as was becom­ing a habit with him. “If you want to talk to me, one good way to start is by see­ing me as a woman and not a flighty lit­tle dreamer.”

His qui­et laugh only made her angri­er, and she almost hung up on him

His voice dropped to an inti­mate pitch. “I know you’re a woman, Ryann.”


Okay, that’s a wrap! You all have a great week!

Whadd'ya think?