Saturday Status

My OfficeHowdy! I reor­ga­nized my home office, so now I can actu­al­ly use it as an office! It’s a cozy room filled with my col­lec­tion of Dis­ney’s Goofy, some of which you can see in the pic­ture. If he has any effect on my love scenes, let me know.

Work in Progress News ~ This week I worked a lit­tle bit on Dean, and a lit­tle bit on “John” my con­temp Christ­mas sto­ry. They’re all John and Jane until their per­son­al­i­ties reveal their true name, so that tells you how far along I am in that one lol. I also worked on a non-writ­ing project that feels good to com­plete, so maybe it’s incen­tive to actu­al­ly com­plete some­thing writ­ing related!

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I played the alto sax­o­phone for many years, so a sax­o­phone choir is near to my heart. Please give this a lis­ten, you won’t believe your ears.

Tweet of the Week ~


Indus­try News ~ I total­ly for­got to post here about Kin­dle Match­book! It’s a great new fea­ture at Ama­zon that offers print book buy­ers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase the Kin­dle ver­sion of the same book for a great­ly reduced price or even free!  All of my paper­backs (except Wyoming Solace) are part of the Match­book pro­gram, and Kin­dle ver­sions are free! The best part about this, is it’s retroac­tive. Mean­ing books you pur­chased from Ama­zon since they start­ed book­selling in the mid nineties. I already took advan­tage of the pro­gram. Just look for the lit­tle info box on eli­gi­ble book pages on Amazon.

What I’m read­ing ~ This week I read an awe­some new book by Tri­na M. Lee. Freak Show comes out 1213 (It is up for pre­order though!) and I can tell you that this might be my favorite of all Alexa O’Brien Huntress books. And they’re all amaz­ing, so that’s say­ing some­thing. The first in the series is free, so go down­load it and get hooked like me!

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ If you’re not fol­low­ing Humans of New York on Face­book (or Twit­ter, but Face­book is the best medi­um for this guy–believe it or not the com­ments are 99% decent and kind) you’re real­ly miss­ing out. He posts won­der­ful street pho­tog­ra­phy, but his heart is huge, and he’s stepped up to help sev­er­al of his sub­jects via his online reach. Late­ly, he’s help­ing a fam­i­ly adopt a boy. 

Book Snip­pet ~ From Last Call, Olivi­a’s con­tem­po­rary short:

No. Josie, you can’t,” he con­tin­ued. “You’re drunk.”

I want to.” She kept her eyes closed, but she held his cheeks in her hands and spoke against his mouth. “I need this. Let me show you.” His face was rough. She out­lined his stub­ble with a fin­ger, dip­ping into his mouth when she reached it. She traced the edge of his teeth. “Kiss me.”

He did. A rough des­per­ate kiss that took over her whole body. His tongue swept her mouth, stroked every inch, con­fi­dent and sure. She moved clos­er and wrapped her arms around his neck.

All right folks. Enjoy your weekend!

Whadd'ya think?