Sometimes Saturday Status 10/26/13

Howdy! It’s been a beau­ti­ful month here on top of the moun­tain. Mild tem­per­a­tures and falling leaves, World Series (damn Sox) on tele­vi­sion, and my elec­tric lap blan­ket to keep me happy.

Work in Progress News ~ Had a cou­ple good days on my friends-to-lovers sto­ry. It’s got a Christ­mas fla­vor, so I’d like to get it fin­ished up before the hol­i­day sea­son hits! I’ve got to buck­le down before 2013 ends as a big ol bust. I’m at the point in this book where I need to fig­ure out who’s writ­ing it. Such a weird prob­lem to have!  I’m open to any suggestions.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I’ve been lis­ten­ing to Mika’s newest album on repeat this past week. This song is very mov­ing. Sor­ry there’s no offi­cial video.

Back­list News ~Retreat, Fine Print, and Falling Star are now avail­able at expand­ed loca­tions such as Barnes and Noble, and libraries, where­as before they were only avail­able through Ama­zon. The down­side to that was that the price had to come up about a dol­lar. When all is said and done, and still I only make a whop­ping nine cents for every paper­back sold through this expand­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion, but I’d rather get it out in front of peo­ple than make a bun­dle on each sale. (If you’re think­ing of buy­ing my paper­backs (oth­er than Wyoming Solace which is han­dled by Samhain Pub­lish­ing, I’ll hap­pi­ly direct you to the store that shares the most with me 🙂

Tweet of the Week ~ I swear, every time I read this I laugh out loud. Even days lat­er. Might be my favorite tweet of all time so far.

Indus­try News ~ I’ll try to sum this lat­est ker­fuf­fle as con­cise­ly as I can. Last week, ebook dis­trib­u­tor WH Smith dis­cov­ered some “bare­ly legal” con­tent, and took the sweep­ing action of clos­ing its entire web­site down until “all self pub­lished eBooks have been removed and we are total­ly sure that there are no offend­ing titles avail­able.” (ALL!!) So then Kobo jumped on board and did the same. Twit­ter explod­ed, and the hash­tag #Koboged­don was born. Today it looks as though most titles have been replaced at the UK Kobo store, though I can’t say if mine are, since I’m only able to see the US store from here. Barnes and Noble and Ama­zon did a few key­word search­es and unpub­lished some titles that seemed to be ques­tion­able as well. Detailed sto­ry at The Dig­i­tal Reader

What I’m read­ing ~ I am strug­gling through a book. Seri­ous­ly. Not sure why I haven’t just delet­ed it off my Kin­dle, but at this point I’m 65% invest­ed, so I’ll read it. I hate when this hap­pens. I hope I did­n’t spend much on this. I also pur­chased Stephen King’s newest, and I’m try­ing to psych myself  up for start­ing it. I usu­al­ly read before bed, and King usu­al­ly isn’t good for that kind of thing.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er:

Book Snip­pet ~
From For a Price:

Ah, Mau­reen,” he groaned. She felt him swal­low before he con­tin­ued. “I know you think I’m only after sex. I bun­gled it when I touched you that first night. And then I couldn’t keep my mind out of the gut­ter when we talked on the phone, and I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you now…” He swore, then tight­ened his arms around her. “Just know that I’m hap­py sim­ply hold­ing you like this. Don’t feel like you have to do any­thing else. I don’t want you to wor­ry tonight, or when­ev­er you’re with me. I’ll nev­er force you to give more than you’re will­ing to share, and I’ll nev­er be dis­ap­point­ed. Understand?”

That’s it for me, guys. I’ll try to catch up more often. Have a great Hal­loween, be safe, have fun, save the choco­late for me!

Whadd'ya think?