Saturday Status

Howdy folks. I’m sit­ting here beneath my heat­ed throw, and I’m here to tell ya: Sum­mer is over. I’m not sure if you’re as upset about it as I am, but I’m also nurs­ing a big glass of wine to take the edge off.

Work in Progress News ~ I’ve been hop­ping around on projects. I REALLY want to write Dean’s sto­ry Ris­ing Heat. Of the 18 or so wips in my file, that’s the one I’d love to fin­ish first. But every time I open it, Dean just cross­es his arms and shakes his head. Not sure what his prob­lem is, but he’s real­ly start­ing to make me mad. So I’ve been writ­ing a lit­tle bit in oth­ers just to keep my fin­gers loose. Dean will come back to me. On his knees, beg­ging for his sto­ry to be told.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Don’t You Wor­ry Child by Swedish House Mafia is a pret­ty cool song, but then the Piano Guys got a hold of it and put an eth­nic twist to it and…well…check it out:

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ Goodreads has changed its terms. While it tries to con­trol the bul­ly­ing that it’s becom­ing known for, it’s imple­ment­ed a new pol­i­cy where reviews focused on the author and not the book will be delet­ed. Many review­ers awoke to miss­ing reviews and even delet­ed “shelves” where they orga­nized bad­ly behav­ing authors. I try to stay away from Goodreads as a rule, it’s more for read­ers than authors, so the pol­i­cy change does­n’t affect me much (unless I’m on one of the bad­ly behav­ing lists?! Which I should­n’t be…I’m an angel sent from heav­en above.)

What I’m read­ing ~ I read a few books since we last spoke, but none were note­wor­thy so I won’t men­tion them here. I also reread Aidan and Ethan by Cameron Dane. This was the first book I’ve read by Cameron, and it hooked me. She’s an amaz­ing author and I love just about every word she writes.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Seri­ous­ly. Grab a Kleenex:

Book Snip­pet ~ From Flipped

Once dark, the entire old house seemed to set­tle in, curl up like a cat in front of a fire­place. Carter stood in the kitchen, star­ing at the closed door that stood between him and his best friend. He would­n’t let the thought of walk­ing down­stairs and tak­ing Mario into his arms form in his mind. Not going to happen.

So why would­n’t his feet move?

He relaxed his jaw to breathe through his mouth. His eyes start­ed to water from star­ing at the dark door, but he seemed glued in place.

Go to bed, Carter. The soon­er you get to sleep, the soon­er you can put this weird­ness behind you. He repeat­ed the order a few times before he took a step back­ward. Just as he did, the door opened.

Mario entered the kitchen, wear­ing noth­ing but his box­er shorts. He kept hold of the door­knob. Even from across the room—lit only by the neigh­bor’s back porch light shin­ing through their uncov­ered windows—there was no mis­tak­ing the desire ooz­ing out of every pore.

I guess that’ll do it for me! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Whadd'ya think?